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2000 Business Stories
12/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Sales on the Internet are taking off, especially in this holiday season, but they could harm state and local tax coffers.
Newspaper Story - Groups on both sides of Proposition A, which would have limited the number and type of billboards in Missouri, said they plan to bring similar legislation before the General Assembly in the legislative session that begins in January.
Newspaper Story - More than 560 self-described Missourians have offered to sell their November presidential vote to the highest bidder -- using a foreign-based WWW service that seeks to skirt laws making vote-selling illegal.
Radio Story - An Austrian based web site accused of selling votes includes Missouri voters.
Newspaper Story - In an ironic twist, the backers of tax-supported political campaign initiative Proposition B have been hit with a lawsuit charging campaign finance violations.
Radio Story - Station Casino still under review after giving a St. Louis lawyer big bucks.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Farm Bureau will host Cuban Ambassador Fernando Remirez next week in the Bootheel.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate debated but declined to vote Thursday on a resolution urging the Gaming Commission to force seven Station Casinos executives to testify about bonuses paid to the company's lawyer.
Newspaper Story - PACs are giving increasing amounts to both sides in major political races according to a study released by a campaign finance advoacy group.
Radio Story - The Senate GOP leader is calling on the Senate to take a stand on a gambling company's refusal to obey Gamming Commission subeonas.
9/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The battle is over who is going to pay the lawyers. One of the state's most outspoken Republican senators says the Attorney Generaal made an unconstitutional contract with a private lawyer.
9/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Republican Party wants the Federal Election Commission to investigate Carnahan's ties to a casino fund raiser.
9/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Attorneys for various interest groups seeking their own compensation from big tobacco asked the Missouri Supreme Court yesterday to prevent the state from dropping its lawsuit against tobacco companies.
9/ 6/2000:
Radio Story - Highway Patrol vehicles have been checked to ensure they do not use Firestone's recalled tires...but other tires deemed hazardous by the government may be on the patrol vehicles.
9/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - Missouri state employees may be in danger from Firestone tires on state vehicles.
9/ 6/2000:
Radio Story - The MissouriTransportation and Conservation departments say they are not be affected by the Firestone recall.
Newspaper Story - A new Missouri law went into effect Monday, restricting unsolicited commercial e-mail and giving recipients the right to sue for $500.
Newspaper Story - An attorney for the Missouri Broadcaster's Association said Larry Rice's gubernatorial opponents could claim free air time on Rice's broadcast outlets.
Newspaper Story - Staying in tune with the session's theme, the Missouri General Assembly killed more major bills Friday than it approved.
Newspaper Story - The Senate's top Democratic leader drops legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds after the Senate tacks on a ban on giving the money to abortion providers or referrers.
Radio Story - The House and Senate have now both passed the bill to try and help those people taken advantage of by telemarketers. It would also create a state list people can join that telemarketers would be prevented from calling. If a business calls a person on this list they could be fined up to $5000.
Radio Story - St. Charles Senator Ted House says the convention center will not compete with the one in St. Louis.
Radio Story - The out of work employees came to the state capitol for a rally and to try and get support from legislators to try and force AWG officials back to the bargaining table. They found an ally in Independent Governor Candidate, Larry Rice.
Newspaper Story - Five years after a 14 year-old girl died in an amusement park in Kansas City, legislators are trying to require parks to pass inspections every year.
Newspaper Story - The House approved by voice vote Tuesday a bill that would give people who are paid less for doing the same work the right to sue in state courts before a jury.
Radio Story - Legislation to provide the disabled with adaptive telecommunications devices gets a boost to include low rate loans.
Radio Story - The co-sponsor of the bill to pave the way for the planners of the new Cardinals' stadium says if the bill doesn't reach the House Floor within a week it doesn't stand much of a chance of passing.
4/ 4/2000:
Newspaper Story - A federal judge concluded Microsoft is a monopoly and violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. Missouri has a similar law, but may be unable to file suit against the Seattle-based software manufacturer.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon did not join nineteen other states in the federal lawsuit and now does not know if he will file a Missouri lawsuit against the technological giant.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Proposed legislation supports consumers who have been sold defective computer systems. Green's bill acts as a lemon law for computer buyers, providing a mandatory 2 year warrantee.
4/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives gave preliminary approval to a bill that would create a code of saftey rules and regulations for amusement park rides.
Radio Story - After debating fourteen different amendments, a bill to reform telemarketing passed with bipartisan support in the Senate.
Radio Story - A house bill will make allow Missouri's disabled to better use technology.
Radio Story - The House Corrections Committee continues to hear testimony regarding private prisons.
Radio Story - Harmon, Eagleton, and Danforth testified before a House committee Wednesday.
Radio Story - The bill would order businesses that sell booze to post a sign warning that alcohol may cause birth defects. But, there are no penalties for businesses that don't post a sign.
Radio Story - Truckers protest rising diesel prices in the nations capital. OPEC has increased the price of crude oil since it cut production last year. A Missouri Representative says it's time we try something else.
Radio Story - Senator Lacy Clay, D-St. Louis is sponsoring a bill that would restrict high-cost home loans.
Radio Story - Legislator David Levin has proposed a bill that would make it illegal for businesses to request fingerprints, retina scans and DNA tests.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Clarence Harmon and former U.S. Senators Tom Eagleton and Jack Danforth say downtown St. Louis needs the sales tax to survive.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - Opposition to a bill that allows employees to file suit against employers for wrongful discharge.
Newspaper Story - Proposed bills by republicans Jon Dolan and Steve Ehlmann would make scalping legal in Missouri. Scalepers don't think that bill would pass.
Radio Story - One legislator is trying to bring legal ticket scalping back to Missouri. Jon Dolan of Lake St. Louis filed a bill on Tuesday that allows ticket holders to sell their seats at above face-value.
Radio Story - Two House bills would create a "no call" list of people who didn't want calls from telemarketers.
Radio Story - One lawmaker wants to increase the fine for speeding in a construction zone.
Radio Story - The bill allows resort bars and restaurants on the Lake of the Ozarks to sell alcohol until 3 a.m.
Radio Story - The Consumer Protection committee is currently debating a bill restricting unsolicited commercial e-mail, commonly known as "spam mail."
Newspaper Story - About 100,000 Missourians stand to receive a check from Missouri's Attorney General in return for money scammed from consumers by a California-based direct marketing company several years ago.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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