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2000 Liberities Stories
12/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - Groups on both sides of the abortion issue said they have problems with Tuesday's ruling clarifying Missouri's ban on partial-birth abortions.
12/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - The NAACP tried to rally at the statehouse in protest of the Presidential election; however, few people braved the cold, November day.
12/ 4/2000:
Newspaper Story - While the battle for the White House may be galvanizing the country, it failed to draw much of a crowd for a Missouri NAACP rally on the steps of the statehouse Monday.
Newspaper Story - A U.S. Supreme Court decision banning random drug searches on roadways will not have a great effect in Missouri, state law officials said.
Radio Story - With the resignation of three state senators, republicans will hold 16-15 state senate majority.
Newspaper Story - Less than a week after female members assumed all leadership positions, three members of the Missouri Legislative Black Caucus have announced or confirmed that they will resign.
Radio Story - The commitee appointed by Attorney General Jay Nixon had their first meeting in Jefferson City.
Radio Story - Blacks were among those saying farwell to Missouri's fallen governor.
10/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Civil War historic marker has a stylized Confederate flag symbol.
10/ 2/2000:
Newspaper Story - A Confederate flag has appeared on a new Civil War marker erected by the Missouri Natural Resources Department on state capitol grounds.
Radio Story - Planned Parenthood's efforts to get state funds for family planning came before Missouri's Supreme Court. But the case will also decide if the state can sue the state.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's anti-abortion laws will restrict access to the federally-approved abortion pill RU 486 according to key players in the state's abortion-rights debate.
Radio Story - Planned Parenthood's efforts to get state funds for family planning came before Missouri's Supreme Court. But you could say its become a legal conflict of interest.
Newspaper Story - Sen. John Ashcroft for the third straight day has not commented on the now infamous "cheap hooker" comment.
Newspaper Story - In a case one Planned Parenthood executive called "bizarre, bizarre," the Missouri Supreme Court on Thursday heard oral arguments in a debate that pits the state government against itself and state Planned Parenthood chapters.
Newspaper Story - GOP candidate for governor Jim Talent said he would not seek Daryl Duwe's termination after Duwe compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to "a cheap hooker."
Radio Story - The GOP candidate for governor says he will not call for the resignation of his party's spokesman for comparing a state official to a "hooker."
Newspaper Story - After the state's GOP spokesman compared State Auditor Claire McCaskill to a "cheap hooker," the Missouri Democratic Party's top official called on Republican leaders Tuesday to sack the flak.
Radio Story - The Missouri GOP spokesman compares a statewide official to a "cheap hooker."
Radio Story - Mary Ann McGivern, a Catholic nun, wants to run as the Green Party candidate for Attorney General.
Newspaper Story - Vice presidential nominee Dick Cheney spoke at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Tuesday.
Radio Story - Carnahan, Ashcroft, Gore and Bush. They've all brought religion into their campaigns one way or another.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Transportation Department filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court Monday in a last ditch effort to exclude the Ku Klux Klan from its Adopt-A-Highway Program.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Attorney General files emergency rules to implement a new law against racial profiling by cops.
Radio Story - St. Louis Senator Wayne Goode successfully deflected opposition from rural senators worried about increased administration costs.
Radio Story - Anti-abortion forces have rejected the governor's effort for a compromise on the tobacco settlement funds.
5/ 9/2000:
Newspaper Story - In a day that actually brought action to the legislature, the Assembly sent the governor bills creating a crime of domestic violence and spending billions on highways.
5/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - House approval of an open meetings bill highlights legislative action on the first day of its last week for 2000.
5/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House debated and voted on the state Open Meetings Law Monday. They made several additions to the bill from the Senate
5/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - The same committee that approved a harsh drunk driving bill earlier this year reverses itself and approves a weakened version.
Radio Story - Legislators say Missouri won't follow Vermont's lead on same sex marriages.
Newspaper Story - A bill passed out of the House Transportation Committee was given support by a rally held outside the Capitol. The bill would eliminate the law mandating adults must wear helmets while riding a motorcycle.
Radio Story - Motorcycles lined the sidewalks of the Capitol in support of a bill that would repeal Missouri's helmet requirement.
Newspaper Story - In a 86-68 vote the House rejected a bill intended to eliminate wage discrimination in the work place. It would have made it illegal for employers to create jobs with different titles, involving the same work but pay unequally.
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor candidate Gracia Backer told a story to the House Committee about how she had been pulled over and targetted for "geographic profiling." The committee passed the bill, which now has to be passed by the House and approved by the governor.
Radio Story - Darryl Duwe says he has yet to receive a response for his request of Governor Mel Carnahan's travel records. The records are open under Missouri law.
Radio Story - The governor doesn't apologize for a member of his security staff shoving a television camara man from a St Louis station.
Radio Story - A straight party-line vote passed the Equal Rights Amendment out of a Senate committee.
Radio Story - During the debate on same sex marriages in the Senate, the issue of legislating morality came to the floor.
Newspaper Story - The House approved by voice vote Tuesday a bill that would give people who are paid less for doing the same work the right to sue in state courts before a jury.
Newspaper Story - The plan to toughen the state's Sunshine Law was made a bit tougher by a House committee Wednesday -- which also added a major loophole for government-owned hospitals.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Quincy Troupe, D-St. Louis City, met with Sen. Steve Ehlmann, R-St. Charles and agreed to have a cooling off period to decide how to best proceed on Troupe's allegations of racism in St. Charles.
Radio Story - The House makes a small compromise that satisfies Democrats and Republicans.
4/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - The bill to toughen the state's Open Meetings Law may be heading for a legislative speed bump.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Larry Rohrbach says families are paying the high price for phone calls from loved ones in prison.
4/ 3/2000:
Newspaper Story - The bill to toughen Missouri's Open Meetings Law keeps inching closer to its ultimate goal of becoming law.
Radio Story - On Tuesday, the Senate passed the racial profiling bill 23-9.
Newspaper Story - Children demonstrating for gun safety has triggered accusations of illegal lobbying by a top GOP legislator.
Radio Story - The sponsor of the Senate bill to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. constitution says the Senate Judiciary Committee wouldn't have passed her bill. She cancelled the last two hearings of the bill in committee. Now, with help from Senator Maxwell the bill will now be heard in a different Committee.
3/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - The Senate Education Committee heard a bill today that would make it illegal for schools to disclose information to the parents of students who are involved with alcohol and drug violations.
3/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Liability increases from two thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars for both property damage and personal injury.
3/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - The Senate passed an amendment to a judicial bill requiring sex offenders and violent felons to provide permanent DNA samples to the state.
3/ 1/2000:
Newspaper Story - Legislation to toughen the state's Open Meetings Law ran into a firestorm of criticism on Wednesday.
3/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - A bill to allow divorced parent with custody to move without approval from a judge passed the Civil and Administrative Law committee on Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - Today, if you get an insurance plan in Missouri you might get Viagra for free, if you need it. Some legislators want to cut down the consequences of this requiring insurance firms to cover contraceptives.
Radio Story - Debate began after Republican Rolla Senator Sarah Steelman proposed creating a "Respect Life" license plate supporting the Missouri Alternatives to Abortion support fund.
Newspaper Story - Supporters, opponents spoke in the Capitol debating two ERA bills in the General Assembly.
Radio Story - The House Correctional Committee heard testimony at giving hope to prisoners serving life sentences without parole.
Newspaper Story - Persons with two or more drunk-driving convictions may have to adorn their car with a sticker, which announces to the world their prior violations.
Radio Story - Legislator David Levin has proposed a bill that would make it illegal for businesses to request fingerprints, retina scans and DNA tests.
Radio Story - The bill covers an assortment of computer crimes, from privacy to pornography.
2/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - A virtual auction house pulled the plug Friday on a Missouri man who was trying to sell such domain names as The move came after a report from Missouri Digital News.
2/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - Darryl Bozwell is 37 years old and lives with his mom and dog. He spends most of his time logged on the Internet.
2/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - A Senate Committee heard a proposal to name a stretch of highway cleared of garbage by the KKK, after Rosa Parks.
2/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The House Critical Issues Committee gives approval to the Equal Rights Amendment.
2/ 3/2000:
Newspaper Story - A St. Charles man has registered Internet domain names that references killing the president of the United States and major-party candidates in the 2000 election.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - A fired lesbian worker urges Missouri lawmakers to extend civil rights protections to gays.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - Opposition to a bill that allows employees to file suit against employers for wrongful discharge.
Radio Story - Two House bills would create a "no call" list of people who didn't want calls from telemarketers.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee discussed Monday whether to close off public information contained in the state's auto regristration and driver's license records.
Radio Story - Republican Senators John Russell and Larry Rohrbach want to limit the Department of Revenue's ability to release personal information from motor vehicle records.
Newspaper Story - Jim Murphy, R-St. Louis County, and a couple other legislators are calling Columbia "Infanticide City" in the wake of last year's Partial Birth Abortion Debate.
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