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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for the Week of November 3, 2003


. Missouri's homeless youth face educational challenges (11/8/03)

JEFFERSON CITY - Twenty-one percent of Missouri's homeless youths do not attend school. When they do, they are frequently behind due to the lack of consistent education. November is national homeless awareness month.

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. Guns once again on hold (11/07/03)

JEFFERSON CITY - A ruling by St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer delays conceal and carry even further.

He ruled that concealed weapons are unconstitutional.

Attorney General Jay Nixon appealed the decision.

The Missouri Supreme Court will decide whether or not conceal and carry will ever be an active law.

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. New device has officers seeing red, drivers seeing green (11/06/03)

JEFFERSON CITY - For the better part of a decade, cities and counties have been installing devices on traffic signals that allow fire engines, police cars and ambulances to control traffic lights, ensuring that a steady stream of green lights help speed them on their way when responding to an emergency.

But now a Minnesota company has produced a knock-off of the transmitter, and they promise that for 300 bucks you too can control traffic.

Public safety officers say this could cause gridlock and maybe even death.

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    . Missouri's sodomy law under scrutiny (11/05/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - After June's U.S. Supreme Court ruling making homosexual activity legal, Missouri may have to change its sodomy law.

    The current law, which was put into effect in 1856, says members of the same sex cannot legally engage in sexual activities. Rep. Vicky Riback Wilson (D-Columbia) plans to sponsor legislation for the upcoming year to bring Missouri's law into compliance with the Supreme Court ruling.

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    . Withholdings unlikely to be released (11/06/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The upswing in the Missouri economy stalled in October, and it is highly unlikely Gov. Bob Holden will release funding withholdings, according to Missouri's Budget Director Linda Luebbering.

    Overall, net revenues and gross collections are up for the year compared to last year. Howevers, officials disagree on whether the increases are enough to justify releasing withholdings to fund state programs.

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    . Missouri's accounting system has problems with recovery and security, audit says (11/05/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri taxpayer dollars are not properly secure, a state audit says. The state accounting system, known as SAM II, is not secure from those who should not have access and lacks recovery procedures in case the computer system goes down. The state auditor's office also recommends background checks on employees who can enter and retrieve information from the system. Forty-six employees with access to the system had criminal histories involving robbery, theft or fraud, the audit states.

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    . The pledge in Missouri schools lies in the hands of the Supreme Court (11/05/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY -Every morning, students across Missouri stand with their hands over their hearts to recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag. With the Supreme Court's decision to review next year a court decision in California that found the pledge unconstitutional, Missouri's law mandating the pledge in schools could be in limbo.

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    . Columbia's legislators bring a variety of issues to next session (11/05/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Columbia's legislators are gearing up to tackle bills on a range of issues from toll roads to gay rights, from rock-climbing to science research. With the December 1 deadline for prefiling bills for the next legislative session approaching, senators and representatives are putting the finishing touches on bills they plan to introduce.

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    . General revenue collections down in October (11/04/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri Department of Revenue released a report stating that Missouri's general revenue collections has dropped over four percent in October. General revenue is up over last year but not enough to meet the budget this year.

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    . Holden appoints new PSC chairman (11/04/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Bob Holden appointed Steve Gaw as chairman of the Public Service Commission Monday. The PSC regulates utility rates throughout Missouri.

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    . Citizens panel critical of MoDOT (11/04/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission heard testimony from MoDOT officials today on its priorities for the next fiscal year. Members of an independent Blue Ribbon Panel also addressed the commission about its recent report calling for the department and commission members to restore public confidence.

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    . Missouri Attorney General questions juvenile execution decision (11/03/03)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Attorney General Jay Nixon says the Missouri Supreme Court does not have the authority to decide whether or not juvenile executions are "cruel and unusual punishment." The United States Supreme Court applied the "cruel and unusual" clause to executions of mentally retarded persons, rendering this unconstitutional. But "cruel and unusual" has nothing to do with juveniles...

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