Juveniles who committ sex crimes may have to register with school superintendents.
Christopher Shields has more from Jefferson City.
The House education committe listened to testimony on a bill that would require juveniles who commit sex crimes notify their superintendents of their status as sex offenders.
Right now, school districts can request juveniles specifically register.
Sponsor Richard Byrd of St. Louis County says this provision is better than the public registries used for adults.
The bill is awaiting a committee vote.
Juvenile sex offenders may have to register with school districts under a bill heard by a house committee.
Christopher Shields reports from Jefferson City.
Under current law, school superintendents can request that a juvenile sex offender attending their school register.
But, under a bill sponsored by St. Louis County representative Richard Byrd, juvenile sex offenders would be required to register.
Kansas City Democrat Yvonne Wilson, a principal herself questioned the effectivenees of the measure.
The bill will require a committe vote to reach the house floor.
In many states, adult sex offenders have to register. But, the case is different for juveniles.
I'm Christopher Shields for Missouri Capitol Caucus.
In Missouri, school superintendents can request juvenile sex offenders in their schools to register.
But, there is no provision that requires juveniles to do so.
A House bill sponsored by St. Louis County republican Richard Byrd would change that.
In the committee hearing on the bill, Kansas City Democrat Yvonne Wilson questioned Byrd whether juveniles would even bother to register.
The measure remains in committe, awaiting a vote.