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Under Senate plan, businesses would get video gambling machines

April 1, 2003
By: Nishi Gupta
State Capital Bureau

The next time you visit a bar or a truck stop, you might be able to gamble, win some money for yourself, and help Missouri higher education.

Nishi Gupta reports.

A senate committee has approved the plan to allow video gambling machines in Missouri businesses. Senator Ken Jacob of Columbia is the bill's sponsor. He says revenue from the machines would benefit higher education. The bill would allow video gambling machines in places like bars and truck stops. The revenue from the games would then go to a trust fund for higher education facilities and scholarships for low income students. Jacob says the idea isn't a new one.

Actuality: J3GAMB.wav
RunTime: 11
OutCue: "in the state."
Contents: "I've just basically had it sitting around the shelves for a lot of years, uh, and dusted it off when there became a greater need for revenue in the state."

Jacob says gaming is a viable source of revenue--but also says many of his colleagues don't want to be labeled as pro-gambling.

The bill now goes to the full senate for consideration.

From the state capitol, Nishi Gupta, KMOX News.