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May 2004 Stories
News summary for the week of May 24, 2004
News summary for the week of May 10, 2004
Newspaper Story - Gay marriages, child abuse and the lieutenant governor dominated the last day of the Missouri legislature's 2004 regular session.
Newspaper Story - Administrative officials in Missour's House and Senate estimated that the two branches of government combined used roughly six million sheets of paper during the session. That number, though, pales in comparison to the yearly totals.
Newspaper Story - A mathematical misunderstanding became the center of one of the biggest political disputes in the Missouri legislature's 2004 session.
Newspaper Story - When it comes to Missouri education policy, what the General Assembly didn't do this session may turn out to be more important than what it did. Namely, the legislators failed to revise Missouri's $2.4 billion Foundation Formula, the key school aid funding mechanism.
Radio Story - Lawmakers ended the session.
Radio Story - Legislation banning vaccines containing a mercury preservative hit a roadblock in the Senate.
Radio Story - The House was 12 votes shy of overriding the governor's veto of legislation limiting liability lawsuits.
Radio Story - There was overwhelming support for the bill that requires insurance companies to provide the same coverage for mental and physical health.
Radio Story - We take a closer look at the issues involved in changing Medicaid, and through one woman's experience see how those issues affect the people Medicaid serves.
Radio Story - Lawmakers pared down the Governor Bob Holden's Jobs Now program before sending it to his desk.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Holden received a stripped down version of his "Jobs Now" initiative Thursday afternoon after the measure was approved unanimously by the General Assembly.
Radio Story - The Governor's jobs now program would be funded by tax credits instead of a $150 million bond.
Radio Story - The sponsor of the proposed bond bill says it's likely dead.
Radio Story - Democratic Governor Bob Holden sent President Bush a letter raising concerns about how some Missouri National Guard Troops are being used in Iraq.
Newspaper Story - Last September, UM system president Elson Floyd added a new system-level position that Knorr was asked to fill. Previously, Knorr's focus was on lobbying the federal government in Washington, D.C. Now, in his current $95,900 per year job, he oversees all UM system lobbying efforts -- federal and state.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments in a case involving a Springfield nurse accused of violating the law by failing to report suspected child abuse.
Radio Story - The senate bill allowing officers to pull over a driver for not wearing a seat belt was sent back to committee.
Radio Story - House passes bill to extend the state Water Patrol's power
Radio Story - Working late into the night, the senate approved legislation designed to improve the state's foster care system.
Radio Story - Legislature passes bill to require DNA samples from convicted felons and sex offenders
Radio Story - A proposed constituional amendment banning gay marriage stalled in the Senate.
Radio Story - The governor's economic development proposal known as the Jobs Now Initiative stalled in the Senate as lawmakers offered amendment after amendment.
Radio Story - Jobs Now was meant to create new jobs in Missouri by targeting industries able to offer high-wage jobs in the future. The governor's package was stalled in the Senate because of a long list of amendments.
5/ 7/2004:
News summary for the week of May 3, 2004
5/ 7/2004:
Newspaper Story - Legislators say Holden's lack of involvement with his proposals is causing them to stall.
5/ 7/2004:
Newspaper Story - As the legislative session enters its final week, the priorities presented by the Republican leadership remain mostly unachieved.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - House passes bill to ban sexually-explicit billboards from Missouri's highways
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - A new audit suggests the state could've gotten $3.5 million in federal grants if only the state had applied for the money.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - Lawmakers approved a budget that removes a smaller number of people from Medicaid than the 30,000 that would've lost coverage under a House proposal.
5/ 6/2004:
Radio Story - The legislature sent the governor a bill that bans billboards from Missouri highways that advertise adult businesses.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Despite an improving state economy that enabled lawmakers to increase education funding, the governor's spokeswoman says Bob Holden still wants lawmakers to approve higher taxes on big business and cigarettes.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill that will make it a crime to remove or confine a child without consent from the parents or guardian.
5/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - The state economy is improving and legislators have passed an increased education budget, but the governor's spokeswoman said he still backs his plan for a half billion dollar tax increase.
5/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - Key supporters of a higher education bond said Wednesday that the legislation appears to be headed for a legislative death. The University of Missouri system would recieve about $195 million from the bond; MU would get about $90 million of that for construction of a health science center on campus.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Currently, children who are not granted a hearing are forced back into unsafe situations in some cases.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Higher education budget to bring $20 million more to state's colleges and universities.
5/ 5/2004:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's departments of Economic Development and Revenue released a report Wednesday showing the state's economy is doing better than the majority of other states.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - Today marked the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo. Despite the festive atmosphere around most of the Americas, few in the Missouri legislature were celebrating the occasion.
5/ 5/2004:
Radio Story - The Governor's proposed budget for fiscal year 2005 relies on tax increases for big business and cigarettes. But, impoving economic conditions may make these taxes unnecessary.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Lawmakers honored three church groups that helped their communities after the storms tore through southwest Missouri.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - The bill would reinstate a tire waste surcharge that expired in January.
5/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - It is no secret that when it comes to health coverage among businesses big is beautiful. And that holds true for bigger of the small businesses.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - It appears as though legislation designed to reduce the number of people on Medicaid is nearly dead.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Republican leadership abandoned the bill after Senator Ken Jacob filibustered it on the Senate floor.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill Tuesday that stops students expelled for violent behavior from affecting the school's annual drop out rate.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - DNR spokespeople claim St. Louis federal highway funding could be in danger under House bill to remove emissions tests
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - Some Democrats say Missouri schools won't see the 4.7 percent increase over last year, even though it's more than the Democratic Governor Bob Holden recommended. Republican House Budget Chairman, Carl Bearden says they are playing politics.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - The legislature sent the governor budget proposals that include spending increases for lower and higher education and don't rely on a tax increase to fund the increases.
5/ 4/2004:
Newspaper Story - The legislature passed lower and higher education budgets and continued working on the budget.
5/ 4/2004:
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill tuesday that charges convicted felons a surcharge on all felony court proceedings.
5/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - A committee of lawmakers will decide if highway patrol officers get a salary adjustment phased in over five years.
5/ 3/2004:
Radio Story - Hundreds rallied at the state capitol, Monday, to support a ban on gay marriage.
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