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A meeting with your senator no longer costs thousands of dollars.

February 2, 2006
By: Hillari Duthoo
State Capital Bureau

It no longer costs a thousand dollars to have your concerns heard in the Missouri General Assembly.

Hillari Duthoo (Doo-thoh) has more from the Captiol.

OutCue: SOC

Talk isn't cheap for Missouri lobbyists.

According to Democratic Saint Louis County Senator Joan Bray, the lobbyist for-sale sign has come down.


"The whole "pay-to-play" concept... I just don't know how you could characterize it any other way. 'If you wanna discuss the issues with these chairs of these powerful committees, pony up a thousand dollars at least and you'll get to'."

Simply put, the fundraiser would have allowed lobbyists, for one thousand dollars per person, the chance to eat and chat with Senators to voice concerns in a more formal setting.

The main proponent of the fundraiser, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gibbons was not available for comment.

From Jefferson City, I'm Hillari Duthoo.