MOHELA finally passed in the Missouri House
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MOHELA finally passed in the Missouri House

Date: May 7, 2007
By: Amy Becker
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: The Missouri House of Representatives finally passed the sale of MOHELA bill after a fight by many Democratic members to force the bill back to the Senate.

Amy Becker has more from the state Capitol.

The road to the final passage of the MOHELA sale was a bumpy one.  The bill faced hardships from many Democratic members of the House as they proposed Amendments in order to send the bill back to the Senate.

Republican Representative Carl Bearden, the bill's sponsor, says the bill is the largest, biggest, and best education reform the assembly has ever voted on.

Actuality:  CARL2.WAV
Run Time: 00:14
Description: When this Access Missouri is fully funded in over the next two years Mr. Speaker, over 50,000 students will be helped by Access Missouri, 50,000 students.


Bearden says those opposed to the bill are opting for the status quo but that is not good enough for Missouri.

The bill is now on its way to the desk of the Governor.

Reporting from the Missouri House, I'm Amy Becker, KMOX news.

OutCue: SOC

The sale of MOHELA bill passed in the House on Monday.  But opponents of the bill didn't go down without a fight.

Amy Becker takes us into the Missouri House.

Democratic Members referred to the MOHELA bill as MO-steala as they attempted to defeat the bill.

  House Minority leader Representative Jeff Harris  says the bill is fiscally irresponsible and asked the House to vote the Governor's bad bill down.

Democratic Representative Clint Zweifel shared his concerns.

Actuality:  CLINT2.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: We've set up a situation where we have an organization that will forever, that will forever lack its independence from here on out and will become a political football for any future administration.


Democratic Representative Jeff Roorda said any one who votes yes on the bill should be ashamed of themselves.  Despite their efforts, the bill passed and is on its way to the desk of the Governor.

From Jefferson City, I'm Amy Becker, KMOX news.