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2009 Health Stories
Newspaper Story - Federal money intended to stabilize budget has been spent on various items
Newspaper Story - Premiums for state health insurance pool too high for the neediest cases
Radio Story - Some Missouri Republicans are supporting a bill that would opt the state out of national health care reform plans.
12/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri representative has pre-filed a bill to let small businesses into a health plan for state workers.
12/ 8/2009:
Newspaper Story - The lawyer for former House Speaker Rod Jetton said Tuesday that Jetton will leave politics to spend time with his family in light of assault charges.
12/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri state representative wants to give voters the chance to block the national health care legislation.
12/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - A Missouri insurance lobbyist and Senator do not agree with the bill that would mandate health care coverage for autism spectrum disorders.
12/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - Representative Cynthia Davis filled a resolution allowing Missourians to vote on the federal health care bill
12/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Chris Kelly will no longer be the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee.
12/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - There are 15 drug courts in Missouri that cost one third of what it costs to imprison someone.
Newspaper Story - Former State Rep. Judy Baker, D-Columbia, has been selected to be regional director of Health and Human Services.
11/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - The health care bill, which was approved with a 220-215 vote, had Missouri representatives split on partisan lines except for Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., who voted against the bill.
11/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - The Natural Resources Department could learn valuable lessons from other Missouri lakes in keeping the Lake of the Ozarks clean
11/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources points to animals as the cause of E. coli contamination but septic tanks are also a culprit.
11/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - Links to the week-long series on the history and causes of Ecoli pollution in Missouri
11/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The number of people diagnosed with the flu this year is significantly higher than previous years.
11/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - A St. Louis City and County smoking ban leads to questions of constitutionality and expanding the ban
11/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - Many of Missouri's legislators have expressed concerns about expanding Medicaid in the given budget environment.
11/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - State agencies not talking to each other leads to harmful substances staying in the Lake of the Ozarks
11/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - How E. coli really affects you if you come in contact with it
Radio Story - The Lake of the Ozarks' development boom led to warning signs of possible water quality issues.
Radio Story - Members of health care organizations are hesitant to predict how budget cuts will effect them
Newspaper Story - Health services would suffer some of the biggest cuts under the governor's new spending plan.
Radio Story - The first two weeks of flu season show rapid increases than previous years.
Newspaper Story - H1N1 vaccines
Radio Story - President Obama is telling federal prosecutors not to press criminal charges against medical marijuana users in states that OK the practice.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon is taking responsibility for miscommunication between his office and the
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon blames a former DNR deputy director for withholding vital E. coli infomation
Newspaper Story - City efforts to stop meth production face attacks from the ACLU
Newspaper Story - A DNR spokesman said the department's investigation into false E. coli information will conclude Friday
Newspaper Story - The federal electronic medical records proposal faces skepticism in Missouri
10/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - As the H1N1 flu vaccine becomes available in Missouri, it will be distributed through local health departments and health care providers.
10/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri will get nearly 20,000 doses of swine flu vaccine this week, but the state Health Department is telling local governments to figure out distribution themselves.
10/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Some Health Departments in Missouri are not worried about a shortage in seasonal flu vaccines.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has suspended the Department of Natural Resources director and has ordered an investigation into the department.
Radio Story - In a news conference Wednesday, Gov. Jay Nixon blamed the Department of Natural Resources for not closing Ozark beaches, thus endangering Missourians.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon details plan with Department of Natural Resources on how they will clean up the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - Emotional testimonies were given during a session of the Interim Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives held an interim committee session for public testimony regarding the insurance coverage of Autism.
Radio Story - The reason for Missouri Malpractice cases being low, and how the federal government will play a role in the state.
Radio Story - Swine flu in residence halls
Radio Story - A Missouri health care provider says they are ready to reform the health care system after President Obama's address to congress.
Radio Story - Missouri health care providers agree with President Obama's health care reform.
9/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - Union advocates led by former Democratic State Sen. Chuck Graham spoke out against Integrity Home Care's lawsuit.
9/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - The council established under Proposition B seeks to gain support against lawsuit.
9/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - While conservatives across the county complain about a public option, several public plans are available in Missouri, many Republican-backed.
9/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - A Medicaid fraud settlement means $22 million for Missouri.
9/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - Department of Corrections prepares for possible Swine Flu outbreak
9/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Officials across the state are making preparations for the spread of H1N1
9/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - An explanation of how the virus spreads, and information about the vaccine.
9/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Swine flu hits Jefferson City.
9/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - The University of Missouri is now seeing cases of H1N1 virus
Newspaper Story - A humorous look into the mouse traps surrounding the Capitol entrances
Newspaper Story - Unsafe cigarettes get an extended life in Missouri
Newspaper Story - McCaskill holds health care town hall in Jefferson City
Radio Story - Sen. Claire McCaskill faced tough questions and emotional audience at a health care focused town hall meeting in Jefferson City.
Newspaper Story - Disagreement over caps on tax credit programs delays passage of economic development bill and prevents health care legislation.
Newspaper Story - Hopes for health care legislation end with session
Newspaper Story - The Senate passes abortion legislation stripped of coercion language.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate held a late night debate on abortion and passed a bill that would place stricter limitations on abortions.
Radio Story - The House recessed early, leaving the fate of the economic development bill and health care legislation in limbo.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators say bipartisan cooperation led to financial gain for the city
Newspaper Story - The House passes Show Me Health Care with some changes.
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill giving health coverage to 20,000 Missourians but lost the support of the bill handler in the process.
Newspaper Story - Crime bill passes Senate
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill that was deemed the last vehicle for health care.
5/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon's Medicaid expansion plan was shot down by the House.
5/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - House Republicans reject health care bill, accuse Nixon of bribery
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - $336 million in stimulus funding was revitalized in the House.
5/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - The House Health Insurance Committee has released their changes to the Senate version of Show Me Health Care.
Radio Story - A woman outside Kansas City awaits with the rest of Missouri to hear if she has swine flu while a second probable case appears.
Newspaper Story - Opponents of the $336 million stimulus bill said funds should be saved.
Newspaper Story - Without debate, Missouri's House restores $31 million for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
Newspaper Story - Nixon announces probable case of swine flu in Missouri
Radio Story - The Missouri House perfected a bill that restores funding for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon announces Missouri's first possible swine flu case.
Newspaper Story - Federal funding for Ellis Fischel at stake after House dispute
Radio Story - Recent outbreak of the swine flu has the Department of Health and Senior Services implementing their plan to respond to pandemic flu.
Newspaper Story - Expansion for children's health care program rejected
Radio Story - The senate ruled Tuesday that every nursing home in Missouri will be required to have state-approved sprinkler systems.
Radio Story - The Missouri House rejected a last-chance proposal by the governor to expand Missouri healthcare for low-income children.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate approved a measure that would give health coverage to 35,000 Missourians who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.
Newspaper Story - The Senate voted in approval of Show Me Health Coverage, a bill that would give health coverage to 35,000 uninsured parents.
Radio Story - The Missouri House votes to pass a $700 million bond amendment.
Radio Story - Despite a variety of bills and pleads from families, the Missouri legislature has blocked initiatives to cover autism treatments.
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - Legislation would deny some welfare benefits to those who fail a drug test
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri Speaker of the House admits to blocking bill requiring insurance companies to cover autism.
4/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Housing Sexual Offenders is pricey in Missouri. The House Corrections Committee heard a bill Tuesday that could save taxpayers over 60 thousand dollars year.
4/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - For a second year in a row, a Senate plan to expand health care coverage is dividing GOP legislators.
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - It was Republican against Republican on the Senate floor Wednesday, before perfecting a bill regarding health care.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers sent a clear message Tuesday on prescription drugs: It's time to give control back to doctors.
Radio Story - Private insurance companies would be required to pay up for VA services used by Missouri veterans with service-connected injuries.
Newspaper Story - A feature on a raw milk bill.
Radio Story - Despite Governor Jay Nixon's opposition to anti-abortion legislation, the House passed such a bill to the Senate with over two thirds majority.
Newspaper Story - House committee passes fiscal year 2010 budget bills
Newspaper Story - Hearing held today for bill introduced by Columbia's state senator which would limit the damages an individual could receive for injury or death incurred by improperly stored carbon dioxide.
Radio Story - An issue sparked by the City Utilities of Springfield, MO lead to a discussion by the state's Senators of the possibility of pumping carbon dioxide into the ground, some witnesses saying it could kill many people.
Radio Story - The House Privacy Committee heard a bill Tuesday that will make it illegal to force someone to have a personal identification chip put under their skin.
3/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Young girls are now one step closer to cancer prevention after the Senate approved a bill Wednesday that would increase awareness about the HPV virus.
3/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - Seeking to avoid 'Octo-mom' in Mo., measure filed that would limit how many eggs a doctor could implant in a woman.
3/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - By more than a two-thirds majority, Missouri House perfected a bill making it a crime to coerce an abortion.
3/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - Law makers heard from Missourians with limb loss about a bill that could help with the cost of their prosthetics.
3/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri residents without health insurance would get coverage under new plan.
3/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - A bill giving health coverage to uninsured Missouri residents got revived Tuesday in the state Senate.
Radio Story - Emotional parents encouraged Missouri lawmakers Tuesday to require new autism coverage.
Newspaper Story - Last time, so many supporters came to testify for a bill mandating autism coverage that the Senate Small Business Committee had to reschedule a hearing for the bill's opposition. On Tuesday, they got their chance.
Radio Story - Some Missouri senators are pushing legislation that would make abortions more transparent and influence those seeking to receive one.
Radio Story - State Senators agree the amount of nuclear waste traveling through this state needs to decrease.
Radio Story - Some legislators say a bill limiting Sudafed distribution will save lives.
Newspaper Story - Nixon promises aggressive use of federal stimulus money
Radio Story - Missouri hospitals will have to publicly report who is treating patients if a measure makes its way through the legislature.
Newspaper Story - Parents of autistic children urged legislators to mandate insurance coverage.
Newspaper Story - State senators question federal stimulus stipulations over health care, education
Radio Story - A new rating system aims to provide better early childhood education for children.
Radio Story - One Missouri Senator is trying to make it mandatory for public schools to tell students' families about STD prevention.
Radio Story - An Anti-Abortion Resolution sparks intense debate on the House floor.
Newspaper Story - The Senate Select Committee met Wednesday to discuss how a proposed federal stimulus package could best be utilized
Radio Story - One bill would require insurance companies to cover autism
Newspaper Story - The governor's State of the State address focused on job creation and health care with a mixed response from legislators.
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri senate would require insurance companies to cover autism
1/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - State legislature opens with higher education reform, emphasis on economic development
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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