Auditor Susan Montee Releases Missouri Technology Corporation Audit
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Auditor Susan Montee Releases Missouri Technology Corporation Audit

Date: December 1, 2010
By: Erica Coghill
State Capitol Bureau

Missouri's State Auditor, Susan Montee, released a new audit. Erica Coghill has more from the State Capitol.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Missouri's State Auditor, Susan Montee, released an audit on the Missouri Technology Corporation. 

Montee says she and her staff found several issues involving conflict of interest with MTC board members.

Actuality:  MON1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "There's a question as to which entity gets a higher priority when they're dealing with a non profit that they're setting on the board and they're best interest to the state and MTC."

After Montee and her staff began the audit, she says MTC later put into place a conflict of interest policy in June 2009.     

She also says they found issues with misuse of money, involving travel expenses.

The Corporation also did not meet it's goal of securing investments in technology-based companies. 

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill.


Missouri's State Auditor, Susan Montee, released an audit and claimed it was an unpleasant process. Erica Coghill has more from the State Capitol.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: State Auditor, Susan Montee released an audit on the Missouri Technology Corporation. 

She said the audit was a very difficult and unpleasant experience and claims the MTC Executive Director politically threatened her staff during the recent campaign season.

As a result, Montee says she held the release of the audit until now. 

Actuality:  MON2.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "I did not want to have a big discussion over MTC in the election because I think the findings inside the audit report are so important and with the money, with the economic development tool that we are using through MTC. I did not want that to be overshadowed."

The audit found several issues, involving conflict of interest, misuse of money and failure to secure investments in technology-based companies. 

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill.



Missouri State Auditor, Susan Montee, releases an audit and discusses plans for when her term ends. Erica Coghill has more from the State Capitol.
RunTime:  0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Susan Montee released an audit on the Missouri Technology Corporation in a press conference Wednesday.

She also talked about plans for when her term ends and commented on her interest as executive director or chairman of the Democratic party.

Actuality:  MON3.WAV
Run Time:  00:14
Description: "I've been a member of that group for a long time and I share the thought with a lot of the state party members that there needs to be some changes and it really comes down to the state party, what direction they'd like to go."
Montee says she has a lot of options, but just wants to focus on audits right.

From the State Capitol, I'm Erica Coghill.