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2015 Transportation Stories
12/ 8/2015:
Radio Story - Several state legislators have prefiled bills that would raise the state gas tax
12/ 3/2015:
Newspaper Story - Senate task force members plan on drafting legislation to crack down on unfair towing practices
12/ 3/2015:
Radio Story - Senate task members looking to crack down on unfair towing practices
12/ 1/2015:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers looking to crack down on human trafficking in Missouri
Radio Story - Dozens of cities in St. Louis county have filed suit challenging law restrictions on court fines
Radio Story - The new interim UM President want to revisit original demands made by 1969 Legion of Black Collegians
11/ 5/2015:
Newspaper Story - The Highways and Transportation Commission announces Patrick McKenna as new MoDOT director
11/ 5/2015:
Radio Story - MoDot appoints new director from New Hampshire
10/ 1/2015:
Newspaper Story - Missouri losese one of its former legislative lions
9/ 1/2015:
Radio Story - The number of bridges in critical condition in Missouri is growing and MoDOT doesn't have the money to repair them.
5/ 7/2015:
Radio Story - Senate GOP leaders made another attempt to increase the fuel tax for drivers.
5/ 6/2015:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers are saying Gov. Jay Nixon has not kept a promise he made in January. #MoLeg
5/ 6/2015:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers are saying the Gov. Nixon is making their jobs harder and failed to uphold his promise #MoLeg
Radio Story - Missouri House voted for red light cameras to be a thing of the past
Radio Story - Bipartisan House Transportation Committee fails gasoline tax increase proposal #moleg
Newspaper Story - House Transportation Committee fails 2 cents gas tax increase measure #moleg
Radio Story - After a day long debate there is still no answer for what to do about MoDOT. #MOleg
Radio Story - State and local lawmakers are split over restrictions on ride sharing services like Uber
Newspaper Story - One Missouri lawmaker has sponsored a bill to create a statewide standard for companies like Uber.
Newspaper Story - The House Transportation was urged to raise the speed you could drive on rural interstates and freeways
2/ 4/2015:
Radio Story - Missouri roads will receive less maintenance thanks to a budget cut
Newspaper Story - Nixon's State of the State Address features call for Medicaid expansion, but few specifics otherwise
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon embraced no specific proposal to address transportation funding in his State of the State address
Radio Story - New MoDOT plan reduces scope of roadway improvements to only cover primary state highways, interstates
Newspaper Story - .@MoDOT faces maintenance and construction cutbacks due to shrinking revenue
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