Union Negotiating Rights Move Quickly on Second Day Possible
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Union Negotiating Rights Move Quickly on Second Day Possible

Date: January 10, 2017
By: Jack Morrisroe
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 91

A packed committee room made their opinions known on a measure regarding unions' negotiating ability.
RunTime: 0:26
OutCue: SOC

Wrap:  A contentious House committee hearing was stuffed Tuesday with union members, lobbyists, and businessmen.

State Treasurer Eric Schmitt said there are a few reasons why businesses do not move to Missouri.

Actuality:  SCHMITT7.WAV
Run Time: 00:05
Description: I can tell you that without exception, being a right to work state is at the top of the list.

Union leaders said their organizations benefit all workers through higher wages and healthcare benefits.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.

A standing-room only committee hearing took over three hours to present all testimony for and against union negotiating rights.
RunTime: 0:26
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Some workers argued fiercely against a measure to limit unions' ability to collect fees from non-members.

Representative Doug Beck, a thirty-year union member and Democrat, said union fees provide substantial benefits.

Actuality:  BECK.WAV
Run Time: 00:04
Description: Unions fight for everybody.

Republicans argued that right to work would not force anyone to support an organization they oppose.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.

[For Wednesday] Union negotiating rights are moving quickly through the Missouri House and will be discussed again today.
RunTime: 0:33
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: After a Tuesday hearing took over three hours, a House committee will decide what version of a right to work measure will be up for passage.

Republican Representative Rick Brattin said right to work would protect employees from paying an organization they do not agree with.

Actuality:  BRATTIN2.WAV
Run Time: 00:07
Description: I believe that is absolutely against everything that embodies what America is, what freedom is.

Democrats said the measure would take away unions' ability to negotiate for all employees to boost benefits and wages.

Reporting from the state Captiol, I'm Jack Morrisroe.