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Missouri Digital News
2006 Bill(s)
HB 1057 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Job Creation Description: Let the Education Board certify a teacher on the basis of a federal government recognized organizations certificate.
HB 1058 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: S Education Description: Restrict the law banning schools from banning emblems on students to limit the ban to religious emblems.
HCS HB 1059 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: S 3rd Read Description: Set requirements for schools to review credit awards for students transfering from an unaccredited or home schools.
* HB 1060 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Higher Education Description: Require college and school boards to take roll call votes on policy matters.
* HB 1063 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Ways & Means Description: Lower the limit on property assessment increases and extend the period for mandatory reassessment to every 5 years.
See: Official legislative description and status* HB 1193 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Conservation Description: Provide to owners of land that's been condemned a portion of the profits from any private profit making project.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 1194 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Perf Description: Require a photo ID to inspect a campaign finance record. Provide penalites for filing false complaints.
HB 1195 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Judiciary Description: Ban schools joining statewide activities associations that bars a student from participating in a school sport.
HB 1196 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Children Description: Require schools to allow parents to prohibit their kids from joining school clubs or activities.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 1197 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Crime Prevention Description: Expand stealing offenses that are counted in imposing a tougher penalty for repeat violations.
HB 1198 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Judiciary Description: Impose requirements for converting a mobile home to real estate.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 1364 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Transportation Description: Lower the vote required by the Transportation Oversight Committee to approve specialty license plate applications.
HCS HB 1479 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: IN HCS HB 1783 Description: Establish tax credits for contributions for scholarships to students living in urban areas.
See: Official legislative description and status
HCS HB 1559 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Expand a tax exemption for donating food to cover donations from grocery and convenience stores.
HB 1815 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Transportation Description: Allow moving companies to file periodic rate increases to reflect cost changes.
See: Official legislative description and status
HCS HJR 31 Sponsor:Cunningham, Jane Status: H Perf Description: Ban courts from ordering government budget expenditures or raising taxes.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.