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Missouri Digital News
Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
2005 Bill(s)
HB 110 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Senior Citizen Advocacy Description: Establish a minimum jail/prison sentence requirement for child or elderly abuse.
* HB 111 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Ways & Means Description: Exempt military retirement from the state income tax.
See: Official legislative description and status* HB 112 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Retirement Description: Require a Labor Commission or Mediation Board member serve at least 75% of the term to qualify for retirement.
HB 126 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Crime Prevention Description: Lower the minimum number of illegal movie or record copies made to make the punishment for piracy a felony.
HB 304 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Utilities Description: Create a revolving fund in the Office of Administration for energy efficiency projects.
* HB 385 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Transportation Description: Name the new I70 bridge in St. Louis City over the Mississippi River the Ronald Reagan bridge.
* HB 386 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Tourism Description: Designate Feb. 6 Ronald Reagan Day.
HB 480 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Local Govt Description: Various changes in coroner responsibilites for deaths in which two or more jurisdictions are involved.
HB 558 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Local Govt Description: Require deputy coroners to register with the Missouri Coroners' and Medical Exmainers' Association.
HB 575 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Local Govt Description: Let county clerks retain fees charged for processing passport applications.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 605 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Judiciary Description: Have the governor nominate members to the board overseeing use of resources from the Blue Cross conversion agreement.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 712 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Crime Prevention Description: Expand the law enforcement officer assault crime to cover probation and parole officers.
HB 713 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Ways & Means Description: Extend the 2008 sunset on exempting some aviation jet fuel sales.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 714 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Judiciary Description: Let sheriffs agree among themsleves who will house a defendant when there has been a change of venue.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 715 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Crime Prevention Description: Expand the crime of child endangerment to include making methamphetamine in a house were a child resides.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 716 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Crime Prevention Description: Expand the child endangerment to include having a child in a vehicle while violating a drunken driving law.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 917 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H General Laws Description: Add the lieutenant governor to the Community Service Commission.
* HCS HB 948 Sponsor:Cooper, Nathan Status: H Perf Description: Impose restrictions on persons hired to register voters. Require registration & prohibit pay based on numbers.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.