HCS SCS SB 382 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Prohibit any from releasing nonpublic personal information covered under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley federal law.
SB 423 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Education Description: Provide a COLA in state funding to hold harmless school districts - those assured of no cut in state funding.
* SB 475 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Ways & Means Description: Distribute gambling money to schools on a per-pupil basis.
* HS SS SB 476 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: Conference Description: Establish an early voting system and allow computerized voting systems. A number of other voting changes.
HS SCS SB 486 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: Back to S Description: Restrict when fire protection district recall election can be called to when act of misconduct, malfeasance, etc.
SB 487 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: IN SCS SB 347 Description: Require counties make payments for taxes lost on land owned by the county.
HCS SCS SB 515 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Sets standards for papers filed with the recorder of deeds.
SB 516 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Judiciary Description: Put a cap on the size of a bond required to appeal a civil action court decision.
HCS SB 538 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Let residential mortgage banker post bond rather than undergo an annual audit & various other changes.
SB 539 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: IN SCS SB 551 Description: Limit when must give notice of moving a child under a custody order to moves of 60 miles or more.
SB 581 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Pensions Description: Require report to Health Dept. when human fetal parts are transferred.
SB 582 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Local Govt Description: Allow prepayment of county taxes with discounts for paying in advance.
SB 583 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Perf Description: Expand campaign finance reporting requirements to individuals seeking a political party committee nomination.
* SB 584 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Ways & Means Description: Let local voters freeze the tax assessment of homes of the elderly.
SB 608 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Description: Restrict sale & possession of chemicals used for methamphetamine production.
SB 618 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Financial & Governmental Organization Description: Property ownership transfer of land of an abandoned grave site to revert to the cemetery, public or private.
* SJR 11 Sponsor:Yeckel, Anita Status: S Perf Description: Lower percentage vote required for school bond issues to a simple majority.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.