SB 1177 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: S Ways & Means Description: Provide a tax credit for child care provided by the parent.
SB 1181 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: S Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence Description: Make property damaged caused by breaking into a car to steal it a felony crime.
SB 1211 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: S Judiciary Description: Exempt court costs from domestic assault & stalking victim filings.
SB 1217 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Allow personal property tax filing to be on the next business day if April 1 is a weekend.
SB 1218 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: S Financial & Governmental Organization Description: Extend the deadline for verifying petition signatures when using random sampling from 2 weeks to 30 days.
SB 1224 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: S Aging Description: Provisions for extra child support payments from the state.
SCS SB 1241 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Special auto license plates for Missouri Women's Council contributors.
SB 1253 Sponsor:Coleman, Maida Status: IN SCS SB 1241 Description: Special auto license plates for various college fraternities and sororities.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.