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Missouri Digital News
2006 Bill(s)
HCS SCS SB 769 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Allow the transfer of money from the incidental fund for 3 school districts in Puxico, Bismark & Caruthersville.
HCS SB 770 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: H 3rd Read Description: Extend to traffic offenses a county fee that can be charged in court cases to finance a law enforcement fund.
SB 771 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Judiciary Description: Extend to associate circuit courts a provision making some court judgments property liens against defendants.
SB 791 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Consent: REMOVED Description: Refund purchased retirement credit in the Highway Patrol system if the person dies before retirement.
SB 792 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: IN SCS SB 567 Description: Require health insurance cover phase I and II experiemental treatment for cancer.
SB 826 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Transportation Description: Prohibit the Transportation Dept. acquiring extra land adjacent to scenic byways.
SB 849 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Perf Description: Prohibit government contracts requiring companies to have (or not have) labor agreements.
SCS SB 870 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Transfer state budget responsbility for various county court & jail reports from the Office of Administration.
* SB 991 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Judiciary Description: Impose restrictions and requirements for automobile service contracts.
HCS SB 1002 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Let drainage districts impose an extra fee.
SCS SB 1003 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Authorize the sale of various tracts of land.
SCS SB 1027 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: H Transportation Description: Establish an automatic rate adjustment for moving companies.
SB 1035 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Financial & Governmental Organizations Description: Ease a ban on hiring a company to service a bond issue if the company contributed to the bond issue campaign.
SB 1036 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Transportation Description: Require life vests on boats. Ban lights that hinder night vision. Require boats to slow down near emergency vessels.
SB 1037 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: H 3rd Read Description: Extend the sunset on a water supply connection fee and raise the fee.
SB 1038 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Perf Description: Expand the authority of the Natural Resources Dept. to contract with non-profit groups for state park projects.
SB 1061 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Pensions Description: Require the Social Services Dept. to develop liaisons with faith-based organizations.
SB 1143 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Transportation Description: Lower the penality for some minor motor vehicle violations from a misdemeanor to an infraction.
SB 1144 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Judiciary Description: Let juvenile courts issue temporary custody, viitation and child support orders.
* SB 1145 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Pensions Description: Establish a financial support program for the families of military on active duty, subject to appropriation.
SB 1154 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Financial & Governmental Organizations Description: Prohibit former candidates for partisan office from serving on the Ethics Commission.
See: Official legislative description and status
SB 1160 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Economic Development Description: Allow any county to adopt planning and zoning ordinances.
SB 1206 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: H Children Description: A number of changes on the interstate compact involving juveniles.
SB 1207 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: GOVERNOR SIGNED Description: Let Net Madrid County adopt a sales tax to be shared with towns in the county.
SB 1253 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Transportation Description: Establish a minimum speed limit on county drit roads of 45 mph.
SJR 41 Sponsor:Mayer, Rob Status: S Judiciary Description: Prohibit bail for persons charged with methamphetamine manufacturing.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.