Republican Representative Barney Fisher declined to speak about China specifically, but did say he wouldn't want to do business with governments that "trample on human rights."
"It is the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the room next to the 2,000 pound gorilla, which is the unemployment fund," said Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards. "Neither one of them will get up and leave,"
The sponsor of the workers' compensation bill, Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, said occupational diseases had been included in the state program starting 80 years ago, but in recent years judicial rulings have taken that away.
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, said the measure is still in a "premature" stage in the Senate and said he thinks it has a 50-50 chance of it making it to the House.
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, declined to speak about China specifically but did say he wouldn't want to do business with governments that "trample human rights."
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, declined to speak about China specifically but did say he wouldn't want to do business with governments that "trample human rights."
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, said the capped surcharge has driven workers' compensation premiums down, which has ultimately brought in less money to the Second Injury Fund.
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, said the capped surcharge has driven workers' compensation premiums down, which has ultimately brought in less money to the Second Injury Fund.
Rep. Barney Fisher, R-Richards, said it was time to get to the governor, "We had to accept them really and concur in what the Senate did. I don't think their changes were drastic. I think they were reasonable and it was time to pass that bill and get it to the governor."