Harris is running for the Democratic nomination for Attorney General against Rep. Margaret Donnelly, D- St. Louis and Sen. Chris Koster (the state senator from Harrisonville who was elected as a Republican, but switched parties earlier this year).
Monday's session marked the appearance of Sen. Chris Koster, D- Harrisonville, as a Democrat in the Senate chamber. Koster had announced earlier this summer his intention to switch parties.
Intro: Missouri's newest Senate Democrat found sat alone on the opening day of Missouri's legislative session -- just weeks after Western Missouri Senator Chris Koster announced his switch from Republican to Democrat. Amy Becker more from the Senate chamber.
Democratic Senator Joan Bray addressed her concerns of how the bill handled Medicaid Fraud to Republican Senator Chris Koster, who had propsed a medicaid fraud bill last year.
Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, who proposed last year's Medicaid fraud bill, agreed the provisions were not the toughest, but better than nothing. "It's not the full monte, but it's not a bad show."
The bill, supported by Gov. Matt Blunt and sponsored by Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, would prohibit counties from adopting or upholding agricultural health regulations that are stricter than the state's standards. The act would expunge local laws for licensing and operating farms that are not identical to state regulations.
Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, told Graham that he would like for more research that will cure disease to be conducted in Missouri, so that it will not be done in other countries without ethics codes.
Shoemyer said controversial, unresolved issues include Republican Sen. Chris Koster's bill that would block local control of concentrated animal feeding operations, also known as CAFOs, and Medicaid reform.
"This is a unifying anger in state capitals across the country," Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, said of illegal immigration. "The bottom line is that most state legislatures are somewhere between angry and furious at the federal government's complete failure in the area of immigration enforcement."
Ray McCarty, a lobbyist, urged the committee on behalf of numerous business groups to remove the cap, an idea that committee Vice-Chair Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, said he supported.
Intro: Senators Chris Koster and Tim Green held a news conference on Tuesday concerning a new illegal immigration policy for the state of Missouri. Sam Wappelhorst (WAH-pull-horse-t) has more from the capitol.
Sen. Chris Koster, R-Cass County, presented an amendment that would raise the amount of money that someone can make before losing their subsidized childcare. This would raise the cap from $7 an hour to about $7.75 an hour.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, would prohibit local governments from adopting or upholding agricultural health regulations that are stricter than the state's standards. The act would expunge local laws for licensing and operating farms that are not identical to state regulations.
Beginning soon after Senate began at 10 a.m., Bartle objected to a motion to approve some gubernatorial nominations. That list included Erdman. Not one senator stood up to help Bartle while he took hours to speak about his personal digital assistant, more than two hours to read off the entire roster of the General Assembly, an hour to speak on major league baseball and 30 minutes to lecture Sen. Chris Koster, R-Cass County, on his eating habits.
Missouri's newest Senate Democrat found sat alone on the opening day of Missouri's legislative session -- just weeks after Western Missouri Senator Chris Koster announced his switch from Republican to Democrat.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, would prohibit counties from adopting or upholding agricultural health regulations that are stricter than the state's standards.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Chris Koster, R-Harrisonville, would prohibit local governments from adopting or upholding agricultural health regulations that are sticter than the state's standards. The act would expunge local laws for licensing and operating farms that are not identical to state regulations.