The bill's Senate handler, Delbert Scott, has a prominent "Merry Christmas" greeting on his website and says Christmas should be officially recognized.
The bill's original sponsor, Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, said groups opposed to the legislation failed to form a unified opposition, making compromise difficult.
Sen. Delbert Scott, the bill's Senate sponsor, says the new regulations are necessary, but place an unfair burden on Missourians because of new federal requirements.
Lowry City Republican, Senator Delbert Scott says people are legally allowed to pray in school and his resolution to Missouri's Constitution clears up the confusion.
Lowry City Republican Delbert Scott expressed contempt for cities like Hazelwood making $1.3 million per year from fines and said it is an unacceptable practice.
During a series of public presentations Tuesday in the Capitol, opponents of allowing rate increases for construction work in progress (CWIP) legislation, such as a Senate bill sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, outlined the rationale behind their position.
However, Republican Senator Delbert Scott who sponsored the bill, says the revised bill provides more security for consumers and will help the industry.
Southwest Missouri Senator Delbert Scott is sponsoring a bill to impose licensing requirements as a way to protect people who pay for their funerals in advance.
While Ameren supports a bill, sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, that would allow them to recuperate the financial costs incurred, some of their largest consumers - including their single largest consumer Noranda Aluminum - voiced their opposition during a Senate commerce committee hearing.
Republican senators such as Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, have expressed concern over Nixon's budget that relies on funds not yet available and committing those potential one-time funds to ongoing state programs.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, was written in reaction to the collapse of St. Louis-based National Prearranged Services. It highlights four key concerns laid out by Scott, including the guarantee to receive the purchased funeral, the ability to return or transfer the contract, the right of funeral homes not to participate in pre-need contracts and the right balance of paperwork and fees.
JEFFERSON CITY - A more than three-decades-old, voter-approved law would be revoke if the newly filed bill, sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, is passed.
Though Ameren supports a bill, sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, that would allow them to recuperate the financial costs incurred, some of their largest consumers -- including their single largest consumer, Noranda Aluminum -- voiced their opposition during a Senate commerce committee hearing.
Though Ameren supports a bill, sponsored by Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, that would allow them to recuperate the financial costs incurred, some of their largest consumers -- including their single largest consumer, Noranda Aluminum -- voiced their opposition during a Senate commerce committee hearing.