Democratic Representative Jeff Roorda said any one who votes yes on the bill should be ashamed of themselves. Despite their efforts, the bill passed and is on its way to the desk of the Governor.
But Rep. Jeff Roorda, D-Barnhart, argues tax cuts should be targeted elsewhere. He cast one of 13 votes against a separate bill, sponsored by Rep. Shannon Cooper, R-Clinton, that also eliminates sales taxes on utilities used for manufacturing.
Rep. Jeff Roorda, D-Barnhart, has sponsored a similiar bill to St. Onge's except for a provision that would "deal with the problem of racial profiling," he said. Roorda said in a January interview that similar seat belt laws haven't passed in previous sessions because opponents have said the law would make it easier for police officers to racially profile drivers.
Rep. Jeff Roorda, D-Barnhart, submitted an amendment to change the date by which facilities much comply with the law from 2019 to 2015. He said that even though he preferred the earlier date of 2012 from the legislation's original drafting, he was willing to compromise.
Democrats in the House and the Senate, led by Rep. Jeff Roorda, D-Barnhart, are spearheading bills that would implement new technology in an attempt to avoid high-speed police pursuits like the one that claimed Cole's life.
Intro: Police officers would be able to pull Missouri drivers over soley for not wearing a seat belt under a bill sponsored by Representative Jeff Roorda. But Roorda says his bill has more to do with racial profiling than buckling up. Rachel Higginbotham (HIG-in-bah-thum) has more from the Capitol.
Under the bill, proposed by Rep. Jeff Roorda, D-Barnhart, Missouri police officers would be able to pull drivers over for simply not wearing a seat belt.
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