Jeff Roorda, business manager for the St Louis Police Officers Association, says although Missouri's police officers take care that lineups aren't tainted, this is an area of national concern.
Jeff Roorda, Business Manager for the St. Louis Police Association said they hope the bill doesn't get bogged down like it did during the regular session.
Wrap: Jeff Roorda, Business Manager for the St. Louis Police Association said his organization believes local police control will be part of next month's legislative special session.
The Business Manager for the St. Louis Police Association, Jeff Roorda, told Missouri Digital News that his organization believes local police control will be part of next month's legislative special session.
"There's just no clear answers. They're dealing with fuzzy math here," said Jeff Roorda, a spokesman for the association. "It's a power grab by the folks across the street in City Hall to try to control the police department."
"There's just no clear answers. They're dealing with fuzzy math here," said Jeff Roorda, a spokesman for the association. "It's a power grab by the folks across the street in City Hall to try to control the police department."
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