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Story Search Results for Joan Bray

12/3/2007 - Pro-Choice Press Conference Held to Oppose Governor's Task Force.:
Intro: After the assembly of the governor's task force on abortion raised concerns about its political motivation, a group of pro-choice Missourians led by Democratic Senator Joan Bray voiced their opposition.
12/3/2007 - Governor's abortion advising board meets opposition:
"This is in fact a one sided conversation of the extreme anti-choice forces." said Sen. Joan Bray D- St. Louis County.
10/31/2007 - Blunt under Fire:
Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, echoed Cardetti's charges.  "It seems to be a theme now. The governor has a dispute with someone, fires them, and then accuses them of looking at pornography on state time."
10/31/2007 - Defamation of Eckersley's character may be based on spam e-mail:
The offices of twelve state senators contacted all said they had serious problems with spam e-mail in their state accounts, including Democratic senator Joan Bray.
9/24/2007 - Obstacles Still to Overcome for Streamlines Sales Tax:
St. Louis County Democratic Senator Joan Bray criticized Missouri's boycott of this plan.
8/27/2007 - Day Review:
As the only senator voted against the bill in committee. Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County said she she had several questions about the financial details that were not answered.
8/20/2007 - It Begins:
"I'm just kind of curious what's so extraordinary, or emergency, about what's in here," Sen. Joan Bray, D- St. Louis County, said.
4/5/2007 - Legislators pushing tax breaks for purchasing health care:
As the bill moves to the Senate, Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, echoed Harris' sentiment while also asserting her support for the notion of health care-related tax breaks.
4/4/2007 - Missouri Senate votes for initial passage of Medicaid bill.:
Democratic Senator Joan Bray addressed her concerns of how the bill handled Medicaid Fraud to Republican Senator Chris Koster, who had propsed a medicaid fraud bill last year.
4/3/2007 - Senator seeks to decrease local power in governing animal farms:
"I don't think that meets the desire of the folks who are concerned about this," said Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County.
4/3/2007 - Senate discussion blocks vote on bill that would end local health ordinances pertaining to agriculture:
St. Louis County Democrat Joan Bray strongly opposed the plan, and she wrote an amendment that would outlaw the operations within 10 miles of state parks and historic sites.
4/25/2007 - Senate give final passage to MOHELA plan:
Five Democratic Senators stood up to speak on their disapproval of the bill, with Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, calling the legislation "a big pork buffet."
4/16/2007 - Senate Appropriations Committee passes state budget:
Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis, said that higher education funding is "absolutely not enough," but that everything is suffering. Bray, who is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, added that the governor has recommended that the coordinating board's recommendation be fulfilled in three years.
4/11/2007 - Missouri Senate approves Medicaid reform bill.:
Democratic Senator Joan Bray voiced her concern for Medicaid participants.
3/1/2007 - Illegal immigration drawing attention in Missouri legislature:
MIRA is urging legislators to reject most of the immigration measures that have been proposed this session. At the same time, the group is lending its backing to a resolution by Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, that would put the legislature on record as being opposed to "anti-immigrant groups."  Bray's resolution claims that many such groups are connected to "white nationalist organizations," but does not name any specific orga..
2/28/2007 - Missouri Senate gives first round approval for use of deadly force :
Emotions ran high when the bill's sponsor Republican Senator Jack Goodman came under harsh questioning from Democratic Saint Louis Senator Joan Bray.
2/27/2007 - Democrats call for investigation:
"If you read the full report you'll see it was not one bad act at one time," Justus said. Sen. Joan Bray D-St. Louis agreed and said "if you read the Highway Patrol report, you see other women were discriminated in the department."
2/26/2007 - Agriculture director resigns after law suit is brought to light:
Sen. Joan Bray, D- St. Louis County, co-authored a letter of disapproval to Gov. Matt Blunt's office about the incident along with six Democratic female legislators. Bray said that she was "dismayed (and) disappointed" by the goings on of the last nine months.
2/26/2007 - Senator Joan Bray questions Governor's reaction to harrassment case.:
Intro: . Democratic Senator Joan Bray along with five other female democrat legislators drafted a letter to the Governor's office about the way the sexual harrassment case involving the Director of the Department of Agriculture was handled.
2/20/2007 - Moratorium Now backs bill to stop death penalty:
And Rep. Rodney Hubbard, D-St. Louis County, and Sen. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, have sponsored bills calling for the state to repeal the death penalty altogether.
1/23/2007 - Immigration bills catching heat:
But St. Louis County Senator Joan Bray charges the issue drives a wedge between immigrants and those citizens already here.
- Missouri Government News for the Week of October 1, 2007:
St. Louis County Democratic Senator Joan Bray, a longtime critic of Missouri's boycott of the Board, said she still does not foresee any movement by the state legislature on this issue soon.
- Missouri Government News for the Week of September 24, 2007:
St. Louis County Democratic Senator Joan Bray, a longtime critic of Missouri's boycott of the Board, said she still does not foresee any movement by the state legislature on this issue soon.
- Missouri Government News for the Week of February 26, 2007:
Senator Joan Bray questions Governor Blunt's handling's of Department of Agriculture sexual harassment case (02/26/2007)

24 stories found