Although Dole's decision to abandon her campaign may be viewed as a measuring stick of women in politics, Rep. Marsha Campbell, D-Kansas City, says the overall outlook for women has improved.
"This bill is probably dead," said co-sponsor Marsha Campbell, D-Kansas City. "I'm happy it passed out of committee, but because it is so far down on the calender, it is probably a moot point."
A bill, sponsored by Representatives Marsha Campbell and Gracia Backer would allow Missouri lawmakers to approve the budget of each UM school, depending on their individual needs. If each school's budget is appropriated separately, Campbell and Backer say the General Assembly would have greater accountability as well as pay closer attention to the needs of each campus.
Two Kansas City Democrats, Rep. Tim Van Zandt and Rep. Marsha Campbell, have proposed legislation that would end this battle. The bill would specifically include the University of Missouri system under the sunshine law.