Rep. Mike Colona, D-St. Louis City, argued the measure would make it more difficult to provide this type of abortion service. During the debate, Colona asked Koenig if he "disagreed with a woman's right to choose."
Democratic Representative Mike Colona asked this question of Republican Representative Andrew Koenig after Koenig added an amendment to a healthcare insurance bill.
Wrap: Democratic Saint Louis City Representative Mike Colona told a House General Laws Committee that the resolution will only serve to inflame conservative voters.
Wrap: Saint Louis City Democratic Representative Mike Colona says Carnahan's challenge was inevitable without the Supreme Court's final decision on the congressional map.
Democratic Whip Mike Colona described himself as the only openly gay male serving in the Missouri Legislature. He said he doesn't care if people disagree with his lifestyle, but he does care if people infringe upon his rights.