The Speaker Pro Tem of the House during Governor Holden's term, Rod Jetton, says the legislature and Governor butted-heads because neither side was used to working with different political majorities.
House Speaker Republican Representative Rod Jetton was one of the few voices in favor of a bill passed last year that gave one man his very own village.
This comes after House Speaker Rod Jetton was thought to have slipped a last minute provision in a bill last year that would allow an individual landowner to petition to become his own village.
JEFFERSON CITY - The disenfranchisement of Republicans in the state legislature came to a head Wednesday as some House Republicans slowed passage of several bills and called for the ouster of House Speaker Rod Jetton.
House Speaker Rod Jetton was criticized for sneaking the legislation into a large bill to allow a rich landowner in southwest Missouri to establish his own village.
House Speaker Rod Jetton said Thursday he is considering an entrance into the gubernatorial race. Jetton said his decision is pending a discussion with his family and any plans from former U.S. Sen. Jim Talent and U.S. Rep. Kenny Hulshof.
Other possible candidates mentioned by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Wednesday were U.S. Representatives Jo Ann Emerson, Sam Graves and Kenny Hulshof; U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway; Missouri House Speaker Rod Jetton and former Sen. Jim Talent.
The charge was leveled against Sen. Chris Koster, D-Harrisonville, after he participated in a filibuster that had been blocking repeal of the one-man-village law backed by the Republican House Speaker, Rod Jetton.