St. Louis County Republican Representative Shamed Dogan said much of the frustration expressed by St. Louis County residents and representatives on the House Special Committee on Urban Issues came from the appearance of inequity.
“There’s no way I would be supporting this if it disenfranchised people who look like me,” said Rep. Shamed Dogan, R-St. Louis County. “We need to trust the words of our colleagues here, our colleagues in the Senate, the work that's been done on this issue to ensure that everyone who is an eligible voter can cast a vote and have it be counted in the state of Missouri.”
“There’s no way I would be supporting this if it disenfranchised people who look like me,” said Rep. Shamed Dogan, R-St. Louis County. “We need to trust the words of our colleagues here, our colleagues in the Senate, the work that's been done on this issue to ensure that everyone who is an eligible voter can cast a vote and have it be counted in the state of Missouri.”