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Mo. Digital News
Missouri Digital News
Rep. Warren Love
2016 Roll Call Votes
Y - CCS HB 1979 (04/14/2016): 3rd reading of the confernce version of the bill to require a six-month delay after the term expires for a state elected official or legislator to register as a lobbyist.
Y - SB 1025 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill providing a sales tax exemption for various types of phyiscal-activity training classes.
Y - CCS SB 994 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill to allow the sale of liquor through orders delivered by cell phones in stadiums.
Y - SB 844 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill to limit when a livestock owner is liable for damages caused by loose livestock.
Y - CCS SB 656 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill to expand concealed weapons rights and the right to use lethal force.
Y - SB 641 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill to provide an income tax deduction for government payments for agricultural losses in past and future years.
Y - CCS SB 608 (09/14/2016): Passage of the motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill authorizing financial penalties on Medicaid recipients for missing doctor appointments or emergency room use for non emergencies.
Y - SCS HB 2030 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a resolution to override the governor's veto of a bill to provide a tax reduction on some capital gains.
Y - SCS HB 1976 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a motion to override the veto of a bill to expand auto-repair insurance coverage requirements, add towing company restrictions and repeal helmet requirements for some ve
Y - SCS HB 1870 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a resolution overriding the governor's veto of a bill to extend for five years a freeze on imposing some new agency rules or fees without legislative approval.
Y - HB 1763 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a motion to override the governor's veto of a bill containing various changes in large deductible policies provided under the Workers' Compensation Program.
Y - SS HB 1733 (09/14/2016): Defeat of a motion to override the governor's veto of a bill containing several unrelated provisions involving trucks and motorcycles.
Y - SCS HB 1713 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a resolution to override the governor's veto of a bill imposing requirements on local wastewater services.
Y - SS HB 1631 (09/14/2016): Adoption of a motion to override the governor's veto of legislation to require a government-issued photo ID to vote if voters approve in November a constitutional amendment authorizing the law.
Y - SS HB 1432 (09/14/2016): Adoption of the resolution to override the governor's veto of a bill to impose hearing rights for a government worker placed on administrative leave.
Y - SCS HB 1414 (09/14/2016): Adoption of the motion to override the governor' veto of a bill that would restrict release of some information provided by agricultural producers about animal health or environmental protection.
Y - CCS SB 656(05/13/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to expand use of fire and gun rights and allow concealed weapons without permits.
Y - CCS SB 608(05/13/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to require a copay for inappropriate use of emergency room services by a Medicaid patient.
Y - CCS SB 765(05/13/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to prohibit cities from imposing quotas for the number of tickets police must issue.
Y - SS HCS HB 2029(05/13/2016): 3rd reading and final passage on a bill to impose when health insurance or pharmacy benefit plans can require step therapy.
Y - SS HCS HB 1941 (05/12/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the bill to regulate and tax online fantasy games and declare them not gambling.
Y - SS HJR 53 (05/12/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the Senate version of the constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to require a photo ID to vote.
Y - CCS SB 572 (05/12/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the conference version of a bill to lower the limit of how much of a city's budget that can be financed by municipal court fines.
Y - HA 4 HCS SCS SB 663 (05/12/2016): An amendment to the criminal code revision bill to allow use of force against an intruder on property occupied with approval of the property owner.
Y - HCS SB 573 (05/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit government from investing in companies that do business with countries listed by the federal government as terrorism sponsor.s
Y - HA 2 HCS SS SB 937 (05/11/2016): An amendment to a regional jail district tax bill to ban lobbyist gifts to legislators and state officials.
Y - HCS SCS SB 588 (05/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to expand rights to expunge a criminal conviction.
Y - SCS HCS HB 1599 (05/11/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to allow access to birth records by an adoptee in some circumstances.
N - HA 2 HCS HB 831 (05/11/2016): An amendment to a prescription drug bill to legalize marijuana for medical treatment.
Y - HB 1870 (05/11/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a measure to extend a freeze on state government agency fees.
Y - HB 1565 (02/25/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to raise the asset limits for some Medicaid recpients.
Y - SCS HB 1577 (05/10/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the Senate version of a bill that removed a House passed provision giving control of the Capitol Complex and Capitol Police to a legislative-dominated committee.
Y - SCS HCS HB 1646 (05/10/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the Senate version of a bill to require passage of a civics test to graduate from high school.
Y - HCS SB 656 (05/05/2016): 3rd reading of a House substitute to a firearms bill that would expand concealed weapons rights on college campuses and public transportation systems.
Y - HJR 98 (05/05/2016): 3rd reading of a constitutional amendment that declares the state recognizes the life of the unborn at every state of development.
Y - SCS SB 586 (05/05/2016): Adoption of a motion overriding the governor's veto of a bill to lower the state funding target for local public schools.
Y - SS HCS HB 1891 (05/04/2016): Approval of a motion to override the governor's veto of a bill to require annual written approval to deduct union dues or fees from a government worker's pay check.
Y - SS HB 1631 (05/4/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the voter photo ID requirement bill.
Y - HCS HJR 98 (05/03/2016): Perfection of a constitutional amendment establishing state recognition of right to life of the unborn at every state of development.
Y - SCR 46 (05/03/2016): Adoption of a motion to override the governor's veto of a resolution to suspend Health Dept. rules involving setting wage requirements for personal care attendants.
Y - HCS SS SB 572 (04/28/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to impose additional restrictions on municipal court fines and revenue generated from the fines.
Y - HCS SS SB 608 (04/27/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to impose a charge for unneeded emergency room visits by Medicaid recipients.
Y - SCS SB 591 (04/27/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to impose restrictions on use of eye witness testimoney in court hearings.
Y - HCS SS SB 657 (04/26/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict lawsuits for damages caused by ethanol.
Y - HB 1468 (04/26/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to repeal the requirement to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.
Y - HCS HB 1679 (04/26/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to allow adults to get birth control medication without a doctor's prescription.
Y - SS SB 847 (04/26/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to impose restrictions on medical malpractice lawsuit awards.
Y - CCS HB 2011 (04/21/2016): 3rd reading of the budget for the Social Services Department.
Y - HCS HCR 57 (04/21/2016): 3rd reading of a resolution calling for a U.S. constitutional convention to consider proposals to limit powers of the federal government.
N - HCS HB 2213 (04/21/2016): Defeat of a bill that would authorize marijuana for some terminal patients, upon voter approval.
Y - CCS HB 1979 (04/14/2016): 3rd reading of the final conference committee version to prohibit a statewide elected official or legislator from registering as a lobbyist until six months after the office term has expired.
N - HA 3 HCS HB 1945 (04/20/2016): An amendment on a traffic enforcement bill to expand to adults a current ban on minors texting while driving.
Y - CCS HB 2203 (04/19/2016): 3rd reading of the conference version of a bill to impose restrictions on investment and disposal of candidate campaign funds.
Y - HCS HB 2213 (04/19/2016): Adoption of an amended committee substitute that would authorize marijuana for some terminal patients, upon voter approval.
Y - SCS SB 586 (04/19/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to lower the legislative goals for increases in funding for local public schools.
Y - HA 4 HB 2028 (04/18/2016): An amendment to a liquor bill to allow sale of alcoholic drinks through mobile devices and sporting events.
Y - HCS HB 2069 (04/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict the sale or donation of parts from an aborted fetus.
A - HB 1811 (04/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit cities adopting regulations that relate to a specific breed of dog.
Y - CCS JB 1979 (04/14/2016): 3rd reading of the confernce version of the bill to require a six-month delay after the term expires for a state elected official or legislator to register as a lobbyist.
Y - HA 1 HA 2 HB 1468 (04/13/2016): And amendment to exclude legislative committee meetings from an amendment prohibiting firearms in government meetings.
A - SCS HCS HB 2140 (04/12/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of a bill to extend the deadline for a city to reimpose a tax on the sale by non-Missouri dealers to city residents.
Y - HB 1427 (04/12/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require school districts to post searchable data on finances on the district's website.
Y - HCS HB 1943 (04/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to give schools more flexibility in setting the number of school days.
Y - HCS HB 1941 (04/07/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to exclude online fantasy games from the restrictions on gambling.
Y - HCS HB 1464 (04/07/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to let adults ride motorcycles without helmets.
Y - HCS HB 2300 (04/07/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to impose regulations on ride-hail alternative taxi services like Uber.
Y - HCS HB 1413 (04/05/2016): 3rd reading of bill to continue a tax break for ethanol producers.
Y - HCS HB 2330 (04/04/2016): Perfection of a bill to impose state requirements on alternative taxi services like Uber.
Y - HB 1786 (03/31/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to outlaw powdered alcohol.
Y - HB 1786 (03/30/2016): Perfection of a bill to make it a crime to possess or sell powdered alcohol.
Y - HCS HB 1788 (03/29/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to expand the number of members of the state Highways Commission.
Y - HCS HB 2029 (03/29/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict health insurance plans from imposing alternatives on medical prescriptions.
Y - CCS HB 1983 (03/21/2016): 3rd reading of the final conference committee version of a bill to restrict state elected officials working as paid consultants for state-office candidates.
Y - CCS HB 10 (03/16/2016): Motion to overturn the governor's $350,000 of funds in an appropriation for the Brain Injury Waiver Services program.
Y - CCS HB 2 (03/16/2016): Motion to override the governor's withholding of $575,000 from an appropriations for the Missouri Scholars and Fine Arts Academies.
Y - HB 2058 (03/1/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict public schools from censoring student news outlets at a school.
Y - HB 1370 (03/09/2016): Perfection of a bill to require notification of the other parent for an abortion be be performed on a minor that was approved by one parent.
N - HA 1 HB 1643 (03/09/2016): An amendment to an education bill to require completion of a course on world history to graduate from a public high school.
Y - HA 3 HCS HB 2003 (03/08/2016): An amendment to the higher education budget to impose an additional $1 million cut to the University of Missouri.
N - HA 2 HCS HB 2003 (03/08/2016): An amendment to the higher education budget to remove a provision that would prohibit state scholarship funds to foreign students illegally in the U.S.
Y - HB 1830 (03/07/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to allow lawsuit for making a false statement about a food product.
Y - HB 1892 (03/03/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to establish a statewide monitoring system of narcotic-type drugs.
Y - HCS HB 1599 (03/03/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to expand access to original birth information by adoptees.
Y - SS HCS HB 1891 (03/03/2016): 3rd reading and final passage of the Senate version of a a bill to require annual approval for automatic withholding of a worker's paycheck for union fees.
Y - HCS HB 1599 (03/02/2016): Peffection of a bill to expand access by adoptees to their original birth information.
Y - HB 1892 (03/01/2016): Perfection of a bill to establish a statewide monitoring system of narcotic-type drugs.
N - HB 2225 (02/29/2016): 3rd reading motion of a bill to expand a tax break to developers of a project to redevelop an abandoned auto assembly plant in the St. Louis area.
Y - HCS HB 1601 (02/29/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require one member of the state Board of Education be a teacher.
N - HA 1 HCS HB 1480 (02/23/2016): An amendment to an election bill that would remove the requirement to give an excuse to get an absentee ballot to vote before the election day.
Y - HCS HB 1729 (02/22/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit local government from regulating fertilizers.
Y - HCS HB 1646 (02/18/2016): Require a student to pass a civics test to graduate from high school.
Y - HB 2181 (02/18/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to give the legislature control of the entire state Capitol and other buildings in the area.
Y - HCS HB 1891 (02/18/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require written authorization to withhold union fees from a government worker's pay check.
Y - HCS HB 1891 (02/17/2016): Perfection of a bill to require written authorization to withhold union fees from a government worker's pay check.
Y - HB 1576 (02/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to give a legislative-dominated committee control over Capitol Police.
Y - HB 1795 (02/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to turn over to a private company determing welfare eligibility of applicants.
Y - HB 1563 (02/11/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require alternative taxi services like Uber to have insurance for their drivers and passengers.
N - HA 1 HB 1479 (02/10/2016): An amendment to an elections bill that would remove requiring to provide an explanation to cast an absentee ballot before election day.
Y - HB 2226 (01/28/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to expand who is covered by the state's laws on financial disclosure and conficts of interest to include advisors for the executive branch.
Y - HB 1870 (01/28/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to freeze on some state fee increases and providing a tax break for smaller businesses creating jobs.
Y - HB 2166 (01/27/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to prohibit lobbyists providing things of value to legislators and statewide officials.
Y - HB 1631 (01/21/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to implement a requirement for a government-issued photo ID to vote if Missouri voters approve a companion constitutional amendment.
Y - HJR 53 (01/21/2016): 3rd reading of a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to require a government-issued photo ID to vote.
Y - HCS HCR 58 (01/20/2016): House passage of a resolution to reject of a Tax Commission plan that would increase agriculture tax assessments.
N - HB 1979 (01/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require a cooling off period before a state official could become a lobbyist.
Y - HB 1983 (01/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to restrict state officials from working as paid political consultants for other officials.
Y - HB 1575 (01/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill shorten the deadline for a public official to report when out-of-state travel was financed by a third party.
Y - HB 1452 (01/14/2016): 3rd reading of a bill to require financial disclosure reporters by public officials twice rather than once a year.