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1999 Environment Stories
9/ 9/2000:
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon is displeased with an amendment allowing for lead mining to continue in the Mark Twain National Forest. The amendment was sponsored by Missouri Senator Kit Bond and was passed by the U.S. Senate.
Radio Story - Missouri Natural Resources Department Director Stephen Mahfood voices fear that the Missouri River pact will hurt St. Louis water commerce.
Radio Story - After the opening weekend of Missouri's deer season, the number of deer kills are down 15 per cent.
Radio Story - As fires sweep through rural Missouri, Gov. Mel Carnahan reviews a request that would ban open fires.
Radio Story - Unseasonably warm weather is saving Missouri close to 100 thousand dollars in goverment facility heating bills.
11/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Fewer deer will be active this weekend as deer hunting season opens in Missouri.
11/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan and the Fire Safety Division are urging people not to do any open burning because of the dry weather.
11/ 4/1999:
Radio Story - Officials say the fall drought has caused an increased number of tree fires in Missouri.
11/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - State rules to restrict utilities from shutting off services for non-payment of bills go into effect the first of November.
Radio Story - The latest Consumer Confidence Report on Missouri's water system says that the state provides some of the cleanest water in the nation. Darrell Osterhoudt, head of the state's Public Water Program, says that few problems cropped up this year.
Radio Story - Some parts of Missouri are receiving rain for the first time since June. But the rain will not help most crops and will even cause trees to loose their leaves earlier.
Radio Story - Missouri row crops--like corn and soubeans--will not benefit much from the rain.
Radio Story - Missouri officials have to decide if AmarenUE's annual contribution to a fund set-up to pay for the eventual dismantling of the Callaway nuclear power plant is enough.
Newspaper Story - Hot weather has caused bumps and explosions in highways. It has also caused houses to sink.
Radio Story - According to the Department of Agriculture, this summer's drought continues to grip Missouri. Weekend rains did little to stymie the effects of the long-term drought. Officials say soybeans have been most affected by the lack of rain.
Radio Story - Some parts of Missouri highways have been buckling in days of hot weather. This causes bumps in the road, and sometimes pavement will shoot into the air.
Radio Story - Sinking soil may cause the foundation problems. This can cause windows and doors not to shut correctly.
9/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Like Turkey, Missouri has no state wide building codes, which raises fears of a Missouri disaster along the New Madrid fault.
Radio Story - Like Turkey where absence of building codes is being blamed for thousands of earthquake deaths, Missouri also lacks building codes.
Radio Story - A burst water line flooded the Capitol basement with up to 10 inches of water.
Newspaper Story - Intitiative petitions on conservation issues would be tougher to pass under a bill approved by the House on Thursday.
Newspaper Story - If Columbia is looking for help in its fight against urban sprawl, it may come from the state legislature.
Newspaper Story - Catching a fish would no longer put you at risk of being a felon, if Gov. Mel Carnahan signs a bill changing last November's cock-fighting ban.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Wayne Crump's bill to restrict federal land purchases passes the House.
Radio Story - The fate of Missouri's state fruit now lies in the hands of the Senate.
Newspaper Story - As part of Tom Bass' induction into the Hall of Famous Missourians, a procession of horseback riders crossed the Missouri River Bridge, stopping traffic for 30 minutes.
Radio Story - A calvary of horses travelling on the Missouri bridge on it's way to the state capitol stopped traffic, in honor of Tom Bass who was being inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians.
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers want to require the federal government to get legislature approval before purchasing land in Missouri.
Radio Story - The proposed 1-W1 runway expansion at Lambert Field was viewed by a house committee in terms of its zoning
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislature moving toward repealing law that required Department of Health to notify landlords three days in advance of inspection.
Newspaper Story - Department of Conservation is looking into bringing elk back to Missouri.
Newspaper Story - House leaders want to change the referendum procedure as it realtes to conservation issues to a 2/3 majority rather than a simple one.
Radio Story - Two ammendments were introduced to alter Proposition A, an initiative that passed on a November ballot involving animal fighting.
Newspaper Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon filed a lawsuit against the state's largest hog farm charging violations of the state's environmental laws.
Newspaper Story - Special House committee recommends that a fifty cent fee on tire sales be extended through 2004. The fee funds tire waste clean up throughout the state.
Radio Story - A legislative committee proposes extending a special fee on tires used for cleaning up illegally dumped tires.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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