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1999 Revenue Stories
12/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - State senators Ed Quick and Joe Maxwell will sponsor the bill during the next legislative session.
12/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri voters will have the power to decide what should be done with the estimated $6.7 billion tobacco settlement under a bill filed by senate leaders.
Newspaper Story - The state's appointed attorney in the recent suit banning Planned Parenthood from recieving family planning money, said the Health Department Director is holding women hostage.
Radio Story - Gubernatorial candidates Jim Talent and Bob Holden have different ideas on what should appear on Missouri's quarter.
Radio Story - Two state lawmakers (Flotron, Marble) have joined with Associated Industries of Missouri to ask the state to increase the amount of Hancock refunds.
Newspaper Story - If two legislators prevail, and the Cole County Circuit Court decides in their favor, Missouri taxpayers could receive a part of the more than $130 million that has been overassessed since 1995 under the Hancock Amendment.
Newspaper Story - A senior lawmaker proposed Tuesday to bring toll roads to Missouri in the wake of a highway department budget crunch.
Radio Story - Judge Byron Kinder of Cole County has ruled that Planned Parenthood is in violation of state law that orders them to be seperate from its affiliated abortion providers.
Newspaper Story - Judge Byron Kinder ruled that Planned Parenthood can no longer recievce state family planning money and that it must give back over $100,00 to the state that it improperly recieved. Planned Parenthood is still continuing all services and is asking citzens for finacial support. Planned Parenthood will appeal the decision.
Radio Story - Missouri will lose federal money for road construction unless stricter laws are made against drunk driving
Radio Story - The attorney for Missouri hospitals warned legislators that an agreement as to who gets the tabacco money has to be reached by Dec. 2001.
Radio Story - Unseasonably warm weather is saving Missouri close to 100 thousand dollars in goverment facility heating bills.
11/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - The program makes it easier and more profitable for parent's to save money for their child's college education.
Newspaper Story - A legislative panel on taxes has been charged to investigate ways state taxes could be lowered.
Radio Story - A special Senate committee is named to review Missouri's tax laws.
Radio Story - The average cost for a gallon of gas has risen close to 4 cents in just the last 2 weeks.
Radio Story - The Missouri Gaming Commission will meet with the legislative pannel on gaming to consider four casinos applications.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill released a report Tuesday that found various inconsistencies in the Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act (CAFA)
10/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Scott Lakin, D-Kansas City, is considering taking a closer look at UM spending practices in the wake of a budget crunch.
Radio Story - Missouri's quarter will be released in July 2003 as part of the U.S. Mint's new series of 50 state-themed quarters.
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder is appealing a decision that allowed Attorney General Jay Nixon to use undependent attorneys in Missouri's tobacco settlement. Kinder says the attorneys will cost up to 400-million dollars, and says Nixon may be expecting campaign money in return.
Newspaper Story - The system's efforts to net $1 billion from the $6.7 billion from the national tobacco settlement may be in vain.
Radio Story - A member of the Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys says someone needs to be accountable to help avoid the misspending of money.
Newspaper Story - A federal lawsuit filed by the US Dept. of Justice on Wednesday against big tobacco won't affect Missouri's state settlement
Radio Story - Last year's settlement with the tobacco companies promised Missouri nearly seven billion dollars. The federal government is suing them again. Members of the Missouri House Tobacco Settlement Committee say they don't know how the suit will effect the state's money. One legislator expresses concerns.
9/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri Association of Counties says the state is using road improvement money for taxpayer refunds. They say the money is desperately needed. The state says the funds are supposed to contribute to the refunds.
9/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Attourney General Jay Nixon announced that Missouri will be getting an estimated $6.7 billion in the tobacco settlement, but Missouri has yet to receive one cent of the money due to appeals.
Radio Story - The leading GOP candidate for governor is comming under attack for his $1 billion proposed bond issue for highways.
Newspaper Story - Agreement is reached on a tax bill that both the governor's office and a key GOP leader endorse.
Radio Story - With just hours left in this year's session, state lawmakers drafted and approved a bill to help laid-off workers at Boeing's St. Louis plant start new businesses.
Newspaper Story - The governor threatens to veto the legislative pension bill and attacks lawmakers.
Radio Story - The governor says he will veto a pension increase for state employees, including lawmakers. Democratic lawmakers were especially surprised by the governor's announcement because they overwhelmingly supported the increase.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent bills to the Governor to raise retirement benefits, ban some types of abortions, and delay tax relief
Newspaper Story - Major tax cuts may be in jeopardy -due to disagreement in the Senate. Also, House delays crime bill - after loading it with amendments
5/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - The recent filibuster brought back memories of a Capitol legend - Bill Blackwell
5/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent a bill to the governor that makes it harder for Planned Parenthood to receive state family planning funds.
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - A wrap-up of Wednesday's legislative action.
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - The legislature approved the appropriations bill that effectively cuts off funding for family planning services.
5/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers agreed on language intended to deprive Planned Parenthood state money
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan's small business health insurance bill is languishing in the Senate
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate approved a bill Tuesday that could add about a cent to the price of every cigarette sold by off-brand cigarette companies.
Newspaper Story - Republican leaders criticized "inappropriate plane use" at Thursday press conference
Radio Story - Senator Sarah Steelman introduced an amendement that she says would have stopped state's $12 million payments to expand the Transworld Dome.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tim Harlan's bill for tax cuts, insurance controls passes House - without opposition
Newspaper Story - Appeals against the state's tobacco settlement have caused another snag in the state's efforts to get its $6.7 billion pay out from the tobacco industry.
Radio Story - The off-track betting bill was approved by the Senate with a vote of 18 to 16 and some Senators are concerned with how this could negatively affect the state and its citizens.
4/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - A bill sponsored by Ted House bases higher education funding to enrollment figures.
4/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Missourians decide whether cell-phone users will pay an extra fifty cents per month for better 911 emergency service.
4/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - At a special meeting of the Senate Judicial Committee, representatives of the attorney general's office cleared up some issues surrounding the $6.7 billion tobacco settlement's attorneys fees, its final settlement date and the purpose of off-brand tobacco legislation.
Radio Story - Representative Ron Auer proposed a House-approved bill to the Senate that would make the transportation sales tax in the St. Louis metro area permanent.
Newspaper Story - Missourians will decide on the April 6 ballot whether to compel cell-phone users to pay extra for 911 emergency services.
Radio Story - Missouri's major welfare-rights organization calls for a tax cut for the working poor.
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Transportation will decide Wednesday whether to accept a trasnportation plan that would extend the 15 year plan to 20 years.
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - The new tax could charge cell telephone users to improve the wireless 911 emergency system if passed in April's Ballot
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - A proposed sales tax increase to finance highway construction is expected to be reviewed by the legislature's joint committee on transportation Wednesday afternoon.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Lawmaker would like to give Missouri voters opportunity to repeal existing six-cent gas tax and replace it with new six-cent gas tax devoted to highway repair.
Radio Story - A second tax-cut bill has stalled in Missouri's Senate.
Radio Story - With the 15-year plan in pieces, the Highway Department is looking to the state legislature to help them get more money.
Newspaper Story - Off-brand tobacco companies would haveto put up money to state government to sell cigarettes in Missouri under legislation approved Tuesday by the Senate General Laws Committee.
Newspaper Story - Partisan bickering Tuesday blocked a Senate Democratic leadership plan to advance the governor's nearly $200-million tax-cut package. The Senate's Fat Tuesday debate on how to trim the fat lasted well into the evening for the first time this year.
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee has voted to force off-brand tobacco companies to pay into a special escrow account to sell their products in Missouri.
Radio Story - Tobacco companies that are not part of the tobacco settlement may have to pay money to go into an escrow fund.
Radio Story - Representatives Marsha Campbell and Gracia Backer presented a bill that would allow the General Assembly to approve each school's budget in a campus-by-campus manner.
Radio Story - In light of recent economic prosperity, the Missouri senate works to give the people of Missouri a tax break.
Newspaper Story - Proposed legislation would require separate budgets for the four UM campuses.
2/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - A Senate committee debated what to do with the windfall once it starts coming in next year.
2/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - Senate Retirement committee pushes bill to the legislature that will establish a fund to hold the tobacco settlement money while it decides what to do with it.
Newspaper Story - The collapse of the 15-year highway plan means state should refund tax money.
Newspaper Story - On the April ballot, voters will decide whether cellular phone users will be charged an additional 50 cents to enhance emergency 911 calls.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's House Speaker forms a committee to review the tobacco settlement agreement.
Newspaper Story - Mission Enhancement funds come to MU as new faculty members, life sciences improvement.
Newspaper Story - As Republicans were criticizing Missouri's governor for the size of his proposed tax package, he was getting a wave of support from a usual bastion of the Republican Party -- the business lobby.
Newspaper Story - In his annual state of the state address, Gov. Mel Carnahan proposed the merger of existing labor agencies to form one agency dedicated to handling all issues of unemployment benefits and job training.
Newspaper Story - In his State of the State address, Gov. Carnahan outlined three areas for tax cuts.
Newspaper Story - Education, Health Care, Crime reduction, and Tobacco lead focus; demures on tobacco.
Newspaper Story - Mel Carnahan released his budget recommendations that include a 5.7 percent increase for the UM system.
Radio Story - Governor Mel Carnahan to propose broadbase tax cuts for Missourians.
Newspaper Story - Democratic Senate leaders said they wanted a tax cut that would benefit all tax payers. Republicans said the cuts should be deeper and should also include cuts for businesses.
Newspaper Story - Two Republican senators proposed a new plan that would send the money gained from Missouri's settlement with tobacco companies into an escrow account to earn interest.
Radio Story - Republican Senator Betty Sims and Democratic Governor Mel Carnahan agree that tobacco settlement funds should not be refunded to taxpayers.
Radio Story - A legislative committee proposes extending a special fee on tires used for cleaning up illegally dumped tires.
Newspaper Story - Special House committee recommends that a fifty cent fee on tire sales be extended through 2004. The fee funds tire waste clean up throughout the state.
Newspaper Story - Court Rules Favorably on Carnahan's interpretation of Hancock tax lid.
1/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - The House speaker urges caution in dealing with tax-cut proposals in the legislative session.
1/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Partisan bickering over tax cuts dominating the opening day of Missouri's 1999 legislative session.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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