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2000 Health Stories
12/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - Groups on both sides of the abortion issue said they have problems with Tuesday's ruling clarifying Missouri's ban on partial-birth abortions.
12/ 6/2000:
Newspaper Story - In a press conference today governor-elect announced key appointments to his administration, including chief of staff and cheif counsel.
Radio Story - Planned Parenthood's efforts to get state funds for family planning came before Missouri's Supreme Court. But the case will also decide if the state can sue the state.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's anti-abortion laws will restrict access to the federally-approved abortion pill RU 486 according to key players in the state's abortion-rights debate.
Radio Story - Planned Parenthood's efforts to get state funds for family planning came before Missouri's Supreme Court. But you could say its become a legal conflict of interest.
Newspaper Story - In a case one Planned Parenthood executive called "bizarre, bizarre," the Missouri Supreme Court on Thursday heard oral arguments in a debate that pits the state government against itself and state Planned Parenthood chapters.
Newspaper Story - Change versus continuity was the major theme in the first debate by the leading candidates for Missouri governor.
Newspaper Story - Missouri joins nine other states to split $1.9 billion, by fulfilling federal requirements to spend money allotted to their children's insurance programs.
Newspaper Story - The state contends that an appropriations law prohibitting state money from going to organizations that promote abortions means Planned Parenthood can no longer receive state family-planning funding.
Radio Story - A group of Republican representatives and law enforcement officers joined Cass County Prosecutor Chris Koster in attacking Governor Mel Carnahan's weak anti-meth laws.
Newspaper Story - The debate over methamphetamine in Missouri's Senate race conitnued on the steps of the Capitol Monday.
9/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The battle is over who is going to pay the lawyers. One of the state's most outspoken Republican senators says the Attorney Generaal made an unconstitutional contract with a private lawyer.
9/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court heard arguments from five separate interest groups hoping to intervene in the state's $6.7 billion tobacco settlement. Representing individuals, hospital owners and even the city of St. Louis, lawyers argued they could intervene and proceed with their individual court cases against the tobacco companies.
9/ 7/2000:
Newspaper Story - Attorneys for various interest groups seeking their own compensation from big tobacco asked the Missouri Supreme Court yesterday to prevent the state from dropping its lawsuit against tobacco companies.
9/ 5/2000:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri State Supreme Court will hear arguments Thursday in a case that has prevented the state from receiving any of its estimated $6.7 billion settlement with big tobacco companies.
Radio Story - A dozen Democratic office holders came to the defense of Gov. Mel Carnahan on his record against methampehtamine.
Newspaper Story - Mental health experts say the current heat spell in Missouri can cause problems for the mentally ill.
Newspaper Story - Staying in tune with the session's theme, the Missouri General Assembly killed more major bills Friday than it approved.
Newspaper Story - The House finally passed the BAC bill after debating and amending it for hours. The Senate kept up the ways of stagnation by tabling a proposal to give doctors and patients the right to sue an HMO.
Newspaper Story - The Senate's top Democratic leader drops legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds after the Senate tacks on a ban on giving the money to abortion providers or referrers.
Radio Story - Anti-abortion forces have rejected the governor's effort for a compromise on the tobacco settlement funds.
5/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - House approval of an open meetings bill highlights legislative action on the first day of its last week for 2000.
5/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys supports a bill to stop executions of the mentally retarded. That support seems to be enough to get the bill passed. It is the first time they have supported the bill.
5/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - Partisan debate stalls Senate action on legislation to allocate tobacco settlement funds.
Newspaper Story - Several dozen disabled Missourians came to the State Capitol to thank lawmakers for making portable $650 million in Medicaid money, which means increased flexibility in long-term care decisions.
Radio Story - The House debated for five hours about the creation of a trust fund for money from the tobacco settlement. But, the bill is not required to establish the fund. The governor can do it regardless.
Radio Story - The House passed the immunization bill, but sent it to the Senate without its original requirement that restaurant owners also provide Hep A and Chicken Pox shots for employees. The bill also says that parents can get a philisophical exemption to keep their children from getting the shots.
Newspaper Story - If you work for the University of Missouri and have hearing trouble, you might have to pay a high prize for the same devices others get for free.
Newspaper Story - At a ceremony in the State Capitol today, Gov. Mel Carnahan honored the seven fire fighters who lost their lives in the line of duty during the previous year. State Fire Marshall Bill Karr said this past year was the most tragic he can remember.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Auditor Claire McCaskill called Thursday for the creation of a central registry of persons disqualified from serving as a care giver to children, the elderly or persons with disabilities.
Radio Story - The House debated whether or not the tobacco trust fund issue should be on the November Ballot.
Radio Story - During the debate on same sex marriages in the Senate, the issue of legislating morality came to the floor.
Radio Story - Legislation to provide the disabled with adaptive telecommunications devices gets a boost to include low rate loans.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - The ban would make it illegal to use minors to bust stores that sell tobacco to minors.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Missouri's governor says he won't initiate a ban on the harmful chemical until the federal government takes action.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - The House spent more than two hours debating a bill aimed at curbing domestic violence. The bill will increase stalking and harrassing to include the electronic media. The bill faces a final House vote before heading to the Senate.
4/ 4/2000:
Newspaper Story - Even if their committee aproved them and they dealed a big issue like insurance coverage of contraceptives, bills on the House are not going to do their way.
Radio Story - Republicans call for a state ban on MTBE, but Democrats say there's not enough ethanol to go around.
Radio Story - Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan is calling for a national ban on the reformulated gasoline additive MTBE.
Radio Story - The Senate Pensions Committee voted on party lines to approve an exemption for tobacco money.
Radio Story - The bill would give free needles to IV drug users.
3/ 9/2000:
Newspaper Story - New funding for spinal cord injury research at MU is under consideration by a Senate committee.
Radio Story - A house bill will make allow Missouri's disabled to better use technology.
Newspaper Story - Today, if you get an insurance plan in Missouri you might get Viagra for free, if you need it. Some legislators want to cut down the consequences of this requiring insurance firms to cover contraceptives.
Radio Story - Missouri House Democrats dominated a vote that blocked Republicans from making a single amendent to a bill. The bill creates a trust fund for the tobacco settlement money.
Newspaper Story - Missouri taxpayers would pay for diet control drugs for Medicaid recipients under a proposal before state lawmakers.
Radio Story - Mexico Senator Joe Maxwell says his bill will give stiff penalties for defrauding and intimidating senior citizens.
Radio Story - Respresentative Jack Hickey sponsors a bill to construct a memorial for workers killed in Missouri construction projects.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Tom Hoppe is proposing a bill that would make illegal for persons under age 18 to possess cigarettes.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - A bill sponsored by Rep. Jim Froelker would reimburse seniors up to $1,000 annually.
2/ 8/2000:
Newspaper Story - Four bills in the Capitol deal with Hepatitis A, trying to make vaccines more popular among the workers.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to change a portion of their health care bill. The new amendment allows insurers to set rates based on pre-existing conditions.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - Representative Rita Day sponsors a bill that would create a unversal health care plan.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - A bill proposed by St. Louis Senator William Clay Jr. would give new parents a 12-week leave.
Radio Story - A House Subcommittee is reviewing a bill that would change the legal age of organ donors to sixteen years. The bill would also allow signed organ donor cards to be sufficient documentation to legally remove organs.
Radio Story - A state representative is hoping to make the state capitol alcohol-free. If the bill passes, alcohol would no longer be allowed in the state capitol starting in 2002.
Radio Story - The Missouri House gives first round approval to legislation setting up the tobacco trust fund with little opposition from Republicans.
Radio Story - Both Senate and House Committees moved quickly this week to figure out what ought to happen to tobacco settlement money worth a projected 6.7 billion dollars.
Radio Story - Democratic and Republican senators disagree on how Missouri's tobacco settlement money ought to be used.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri State Appeal Court for the Eastern District held Monday that the state is the only one with a legitimate claim to its lawsuit against the tobacco companies. The City of St. Louis and other organizations and individuals can sue on their own, the court said.
Radio Story - Two mid-Missouri schools have already had to close their doors for one day, and the flu season is just beginning.
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