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1997 Lower Ed. Stories
Newspaper Story - The governor offers supportive words for a legislative plan to give the St. Louis mayor more power over the city school system.
11/ 6/1997:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers search for a way to get the federal courts out of St. Louis and Kansas City schools.
11/ 6/1997:
Newspaper Story - St. Louis city lawmakers call for abolishing their city's school board.
Newspaper Story - A deadlock on tax breaks for private and parochial school costs has stalled legislative action on the governor's proposal to cut the sales tax on groceries.
Newspaper Story - The proposal of Missouri's governor to improve safety of children who ride school buses cleared the Missouri House Wedenesday. Measure to require crossing-control arms on school buses.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - The Senate votes to give tax breaks for parents sending their children to private schools.
5/ 1/1997:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate passed its version of a tax reduction plan--money for students to attend private/church schools.
Radio Story - Missouri Senators voted to require schools to teach abstinence as best choice for teenagers.
Newspaper Story - After an eight-hour filibuster, the Senate killed desegregation legislation.
Radio Story - The House voted to keep the issue of home schooling out of divorce proceedings.
Radio Story - Senate delays action another day on school-desegregation legislation.
Newspaper Story - Legislation designed to continue school desegregation funds for St. Louis and Kansas City continues to encounter problems in the Senate.
Radio Story - A lawmaker urges creating a new state program to teach youth the pledge of allegiance.
Radio Story - Opposition threw another punch on the senate floor in the ongoing debate as to how desegregation savings will be distributed.
4/ 8/1997:
Newspaper Story - The Senate started debate on the distribution of desegregation savings.
4/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - Plans for what to do after the courts drop their desegregation orders for urban schools hit Senate opposition.
4/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - Bill requiring crossing arms passes out of House Education committee.
Radio Story - Missouri law makers voted NO to making parents submit a written approval for their child to take sex education classes.
Newspaper Story - State representatives were joined by about 50 high school journalists who were supporting a bill to give them more control over publication content.
Radio Story - People spoke out against a house bill to make English the official state language.
3/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - After much debate, Missouri senators voted that abstinence be stressed in sex ed classes.
3/ 4/1997:
Newspaper Story - The Senate debated a section of SB 168 that requires schools to emphasize abstinence in sex education courses. Sen. Ken Jacob tried to remove the sex education section of the bill.
Radio Story - Some Missouri legislators want to give high school students the opportunities to exercise free speech.
Newspaper Story - Former U.S. Senator urges state to continue funding ordered by courts under desegregation.
2/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - Legislation proposed to replace court-ordered desegregation payments for urban schools.
2/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - Senate Education Committee chairman unveils his approach on what to do with the money released when court-ordered desegregation concludes.
2/ 5/1997:
Radio Story - Professor helps inner city youth cope with death of friend through art.
Radio Story - A bill is proposed to stress abstinence in public school sexual education classes.
Radio Story - Lawmaker calls for abstinence in sex ed.
Radio Story - Missouri's governor calls on legislators to build new prisons and boost education funding, but leaves HMO regulation off his agenda.
Radio Story - Carnahan meets with students immediately after his innauguration.
Radio Story - Gov. Carnahan's inaugural address makes educating Missouri's youth his top priority.
Newspaper Story - The governor's inauguration speech and reaction
Newspaper Story - Carnahan meets with students as his first act of his second term as governor.
Newspaper Story - Governor proposes school-bus safety measure.
1/ 7/1997:
Radio Story - Legislative committee proposes using driver's licenses to keep kids in school.
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