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2005 Transport & Safety Stories
Newspaper Story - Rescuers found Jerry Toops, his wife Lisa and their three children after more than one billion gallons of water spilled from a breach in a hydroelectric plant reservoir, flooding Johnson's Shut-ins State Park and the superintendent's home.
Newspaper Story - Bill Holds Employers Civilly Liable for Sex Offenders' Repeated Crimes
Radio Story - Gov. Matt Blunt and MoDot chief engineer Kevin Keith say toll roads are in Missouri's future
12/ 6/2005:
Radio Story - Republican Representative Jack Johnson says state agencies need a sense of urgency.
12/ 6/2005:
Radio Story - The Public Counsel office wants an emergency clause added to the "Cold Weather Rule".
12/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - A proposed bill would require all teenage drivers to first pass a drivers education course.
Newspaper Story - Missouri children will be required to wear booster seat restraints in an expected bill for next legislation session.
Radio Story - A steering committee formed to help children exposed to meth labs
Newspaper Story - Sen. Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau announced today that he will pre-file four bills to make stronger abortion related laws.
Radio Story - The Missouri National Guard will pay existing guardsmen to bring in new recruits.
Radio Story - Democratic Representative Ed Wildberger says the Governor's new training program doesn't go far enough.
Newspaper Story - A Missouri coalition was formed to protect the availability of the morning after pill.
Radio Story - The training for state emergency personnel must be completed by October 2006.
Radio Story - The Department of Social Services resports Medicaid transportaition service is improving. Spokeswoman Deborah Scott reports 31 new ambulances, 48 more phone lines and extra personnel have been added. Scott says since last week no-shows are down by half.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Blunt signed an executive order establishing the National Incident Management System.
Newspaper Story - Missourians seeking federal help to pay their energy bills has more than doubled.
Newspaper Story - A 63-year old man died Tuesday, he was scheduled to receive Medicaid transportation.
Radio Story - Health officials told the panel they are taking preventive measures to fight an outbreak.
11/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - By installing the roundabouts, MoDOT hopes to decrease traffic accidents and increase efficiency.
11/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - The storms left more than 200 thousand people without power for several days. The commission reports an adequate response from AmerenUE, but also recommends some improvements for the future.
11/ 1/2005:
Newspaper Story - Some senior citizens are having problems renewing their drivers' license because they don't have a birth certificate.
11/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - The new Homeland Security Coordinator will work under the Director of the Department of Public Safety.
Radio Story - The commission now has the nine members necessary to hold a meeting.
Radio Story - SEMA sponsored an all-day training session for case workers of hurricane evacuees.
Radio Story - As the bird flu continues to spread overseas, Missouri is taking precautions.
Radio Story - Missouri's state veterinarian says that since the avian flu has not yet hit US shores, it is not a significant threat to Americans.
Radio Story - The Fort Zumwalt school district adopted a voluntary program to drug test it's athletes
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Department of Transportation want to use data from cell phone signals to track traffic flow.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Corrections Department will transport a female prisoner for an abortion.
Radio Story - The Missouri Agriculture Department is allowing poultry companies to test their birds for avian flu. Other states have mandatory testing.
Radio Story - SEMA has plans in place for a possible outbreak of Avian Flu in Missouri.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Agriculture say they are prepared if bird flu comes to the state, coordinating their efforts with Arkansas and Oklahoma
Radio Story - More than half a dozen positions remain open on the Missouri earthquake commission. The Governer's office says they are in no hurry to fill the vacancies.
Radio Story - U.S. Senator Jim Talent and Representative Jo Ann Emerson urge the Director of Homeland Security to schedule exercises for Missouri
Radio Story - The commission has not met since September 2004 because Gov. Blunt has not replaced two members.
Radio Story - In the past six weeks, passing cars have killed two Missouri State Troopers working along the highway.
Radio Story - The guardsmen are back in Missouri -- but it might not be for long.
Radio Story - The guardsmen might have to leave again -- to respond to hurricane Rita.
Radio Story - A judge today ruled Attorney General Jay Nixon can sue the Department of Natural Resources to prevent the demolishment of the old Boonville bridge.
Radio Story - A judge ruled Attorney General Jay Nixon can proceed with a lawsuit against the Department of Natural Resources in a dispute over the old Boonville Bridge.
Newspaper Story - House passes an abortion restriction bill with an overwhelming 115-35 vote in favor.
Radio Story - Missouri troopers are protecting cleanup crews in Biloxi and keeping citizens away from dangerous areas destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Newspaper Story - After a house committee hearing, a bill adding abortion restrictions was approved.
9/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - Guardsmen responded to the crisis in Louisiana with a shortage of vehicles. Many trucks they do have are decades-old.
9/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - Missouri guardsmen use local stores to buy supplies they need right away.
9/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - Hot meals and air-conditioning are near-reality for Missouri guardsmen stationed near New Orleans.
9/ 7/2005:
Radio Story - They feel like their mission's don't help Katrina's victims enough.
9/ 6/2005:
Newspaper Story - At a press conference Tuesday, the governor and the state's adjutant general announced they are expecting around 4,000 vicitms of Hurricane Katrina to enter the state.
9/ 2/2005:
Newspaper Story - Missouri State Treasurer, Sarah Steelman, announced a statewide effort to find available housing in Mo. for Hurricane Katrina victims
9/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - Guardsmen left this morning on State Emergency Duty -- to help provide security near New Orleans.
9/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - On the way to New Orleans the Guard must stop several times for fuel . . . and stomach high prices.
9/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - Friday morning major units from Columbia, Fulton, and Maryville left for New Orleans to provide aid.
Radio Story - Missouri's National Guard will be sending about 1,000 troops to the Gulf Coast to help with hurricane relief.
Radio Story - Missouri's attorney general has launched an investigation into the sudden rise in gasoline prices since Hurricane Katrina.
Radio Story - A Democratic filibuster shelved an abortion bill.
5/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Jackson County Senator Matt Bartle says the Missouri Supreme Court has placed the safety of the state's school children in extreme jeopardy.
5/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Police officers could arrest suspected criminals for failing to provide identification.
Radio Story - The legislature passed a bill eliminating the penalties for having vehicle registration tabs stolen.
Radio Story - The Missouri Supreme Court reverses a St. Louis school counselor's misconduct charges.
Radio Story - Governor Blunt signed the bill cutting healthcare to nearly 100,000 Missourians.
Radio Story - Republican Governor Blunt ruled the execution should take place, despite the findings of a parole board.
Radio Story - The Senate heard a bill increasing prison time for drunk drivers causing fatal accidents.
Radio Story - Legislators move closer to adopting a bill that places harsher penalties for underage drinking.
Radio Story - Legislators are close to adopting the bill which allows for more strict penalties for minors caught drinking and for parents caught serving alcohol to minors.
Radio Story - The Senate discussed toughening penalties for underage drinkers and those who give them the alcohol.
Newspaper Story - A Senate filibuster stopped a bill to allow motorcyclists to choose to wear helmets while the House gave final approval to the state budget.
Radio Story - Senate filibuster shelves bill removing helmet requirement
Radio Story - Highway Patrol officers are monitoring traffic in stationary cars to cut fuel costs.
4/ 5/2005:
Radio Story - The bill owuld allow the replacement of up to two sets of two license plate tabs when stolen.
4/ 4/2005:
Radio Story - Democratic Senator Harry Kennedy's bill would create a state board and uniform practices.
4/ 4/2005:
Radio Story - Director of Transportation Pete Rahn sat as a desk in the middle of Highway 63 in order to make the point that work zones are dangerous and drivers should have a greater appreciation of their work.
Radio Story - Governor Blunt signed a workers' compensation bill into law today that will take effect Aug 28th.
Newspaper Story - Blunt signs work comp bill
Radio Story - The bill would allow harsher penalties for trespassers in animal facilities.
Newspaper Story - Joint committee works on work comp, GOP finetunes its legislation
Radio Story - The bill, makes it illegal to help a minor get an abortion without parental consent, passed by a large majority.
3/ 9/2005:
Radio Story - The bill is modeled after a similar bill pioneered by Virginia state legislators.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - In an effort to squeeze more money from the Missouri government, Governor Matt Blunt has formed a commission to reduce state bureaucracy. Blunt has asked a group of Missouri business leaders, citizens, former state employees and the Lieutenant Governor to review how state agencies are organized. Blunt says the commission could recommend cutting state services, consolidating agencies, and eliminating positions.
3/ 8/2005:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House ruled Tuesday that it is illegal to transport a minor out of state with the intention of receiving an abortion. Other changes to current abortion laws in Missouri were made.
3/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - A bill aimed at stopping minors from getting abortions in Illinois has passed its first vote.
3/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Senators and representatives are forming a conference committee to form a mutually agreeable workers' compensation bill
3/ 1/2005:
Newspaper Story - Senate Democrats introduced a block of legislation today to protect consumers in the wake of recent identity theft with ChoicePoint Inc. Other bills include informing consumers about radio frequency identification tags and the creation of an Office of the Inspector General.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - A Senate bill would open up construction projects using public money to contractors employing non-union workers.
3/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - Sponsor touts bill in respons to ChoicePoint scandal
Radio Story - The House Rules Committee voted to send a Senate workers' compensation reform bill to the House floor.
Radio Story - The House committee on Workforce Development and Workplace Safety heard testimony over the Seante-originated bill that would make major revisions to Missouri's workers' compensation law.
Radio Story - It's been three years since St. Louis local law enforcement have been granted a raise. Now in a proposed bill, they are asking for $1350 more.
Radio Story - The House considers the workers' comp bill that the Senate already approved.
Radio Story - An audit shows there is a backlog of criminal records in the Missouri State Highway Patrol.
Radio Story - The Missouri House has passed a bill changing the laws governing civil liability lawsuits. The bill caps punitive damage awards, restricts venue, and redefines pharmaceutical companies as health care providers. The bill is up for debate in the Senate.
Newspaper Story - A report from State Auditor Claire McCaskill says that a backlog of information at the Missouri State Highway Patrol puts officers in danger. Vital criminal information is not being received by patrol officers in a timely manner.
Radio Story - Blunt nominated a Public Safety Director and a Deputy to oversee Homeland Security.
Radio Story - The Missouri House discussed a bill that puts a $250,000 cap on punitive damage awards. The bill also changes how award amounts are calculated, and adds restrictions to where lawsuits can be heard.
Radio Story - The Senate Transportation Committee heard support of a bill to allow police to ticket motorists solely for not wearing their seat belts.
Radio Story - House Republican Sherman Parker wants to give parents more power to keep their children safe.
2/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - The bill's supporters say they hope it will prevent fatal accidents resulting from negligent owners.
2/ 8/2005:
Newspaper Story - Gov. Blunt is calling for all state agencies to provide analyses of how homeland security funds are being used. This is in an effort to determine all uses of homeland security funds and make the program more efficient.
2/ 8/2005:
Radio Story - A bill to make helmets voluntary for riders over 21 passed the Missouri Senate Transportation Committee. The new law could go into effect as early as this August.
2/ 3/2005:
Radio Story - Saint Louis County Senator Rita Days has proposed a bill banning the use of credit scores to determine insurance rates. Supporters of current law say the ban could drive business from Missouri. The former state Insurance Director disagrees.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - In his address, MoDOT Director Steve Rahn outlined the Smoother, Safer, Sooner plan.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - In a 90 to 66, almost exclusively partisan vote, the Missouri House voted to pass its own version of the workers' compensation bill.
2/ 2/2005:
Radio Story - In a 90 to 66, almost exclusively partisan vote, the Missouri House voted to pass its own version of the workers' compensation bill, reducing the number of injuries covered under the law.
2/ 1/2005:
Radio Story - A bill sponsored by Sen. Jon Dolan would make it illegal for trucks weighing more than 48,000 pounds to drive in the left lane of highways six lanes or greater.
Radio Story - Members of the senate committee listened to law enforcement officers talk about the need to reduce the availability of pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in the illegal drug methamphetamine.
Radio Story - Disabled Missourians injured on the job spoke out today in opposition of workers' compensation regulation.
Radio Story - A new state law requires all incarcerated felons to submit a DNA sample. Less than a month into testing and already two matches have been made to unsolved crimes.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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