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1999 Politics Stories
Radio Story - Jet Banks' resignation fromt he state Senate is affecting more than his constituants.
Radio Story - Banks' five bills could live or die with the beginning of the next legislative session in January.
Newspaper Story - Cole County Circuit Court Judge Byron Kinder has heard important cases during his long tenure and enjoyed them.
Radio Story - Rep. Jim Murphy says he will file a complaint against Sen. Anita Yeckel for accepting a donation from the law firm of former Missouri Supreme Court judge John Bardgett.
12/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - A bill filed for the next legislative session would cause Missouri residents to lose alimony payments if they live with a partner for two years.
12/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - Senator David Klarich says a loophole in the resolution filed Wednesday would allow senators to serve into the 2010s.
12/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - In case you changed your mind about the length of time lawmakers can serve under term limits, two senators want to give you a chance to vote again.
Newspaper Story - The sentence hearing for Sen. J.T. "Jet" Banks, D-St. Louis, was delayed for the second time in two weeks due to health reasons Wednesday.
Radio Story - Gubernatorial candidates Jim Talent and Bob Holden have different ideas on what should appear on Missouri's quarter.
11/ 8/1999:
Radio Story - Missouri State Auditor released an audit report that shows that half of Missouri's public bodies do not adhere to Sunshine Law.
11/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Missouri's two political party leaders are promising not to make charges of racial prejudice against each other in the U.S. Senate campaign.
11/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - State Republicans and Democrats pledged Wednesday to end the racially charged atmosphere of the 2000 U.S. Senate race.
11/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - Missouri Republican Party spokesman Daryl Duwe says it's Carnahan who keeps bringing up the pictures, not his party.
Radio Story - Joe Carmichael, chairman of Missouri's Democratic Committee, has proposed an agreement to clean-up the upcoming U.S. Senate race.
Radio Story - Democrat Bob Holden and Republican Jim Talent have accepted donations that exceed the old Missouri limit of $1,075.
Radio Story - Donald Trump's recent comments about Pat Buchanan are not supported by Missouri's Reform Party.
Radio Story - Missouri's governor apologizes for appearing in a black minstrel show nearly 40 years ago.
Newspaper Story - The two major party candidates for governor are raking in the big bucks while the U.S. Supreme Court considers a challenge to a state law that limits the size of contributions.
Newspaper Story - A red-faced Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan apologized Monday for participating in a minstrel show almost 40 years ago.
Radio Story - Some of Missouri's women legislators praised Dole today for her courage and wisdom for attempting to run for presidential nomination and her exit today.
Newspaper Story - Missouri women lawmakers said Wednesday was a positive day for women in politics despite Elizabeth Dole's announcement that she was dropping out of the presidential race.
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Term Limits listened to a witness testify all the way from Lansing, Michigan using the new technology. It was the first time a Missouri legislative committee used the technology.
Radio Story - Debates from both the House and the Senate will be available live on the internet using RealAudio technology.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers in Missouri were able to see and talk with a legislator in Michigan who testified about term limit affects.
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers question where the department got the money to pay the two doctors $200 per hour.
Newspaper Story - Secretary of State Bekki Cook unveiled the millenium edition of the Blue Book Thursday.
Radio Story - For the first time in history the Official Manual for the state of Missouri is online.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan called Sen. Ashcroft's successful effort to block the federal judgeship of Judge Ronnie White "politics at it's worst."
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - Calling Senator John Ashcroft "reckless", Gov. Mel Carnahan accused the Senator of political motivations in his charge against Missouri Supreme Court Justice Ronnie White.
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan and Senator John Ashcroft explain why they think Judge Ronnie White was not confirmed to the federal bench.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Missouri Democrats say that their stronghold of U.S. District 1 in St. Louis won't be affected by redrawings stemming from the 2000 Census.
10/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Overview of the Missouri Campaign Finance Disclosure law at the heart of Tuesday's arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.
10/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon and lawyers for Shrink Missouri Goverment PAC are headed for a Tuesday showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court over a Missouri law that limits the size of political campaign contributions. Observers expect the high court's decision to have national implications.
Radio Story - Missouri's quarter will be released in July 2003 as part of the U.S. Mint's new series of 50 state-themed quarters.
Newspaper Story - Now that HB427 is law, it's up to the courts to decide whose interpretation of the bill is the correct one.
Newspaper Story - After courts knocked out partial-birth abortion laws in other states, Missouri's own ban faces a long struggle.
Newspaper Story - U.S. Sen. John Ashcroft rented a list of donors to Linda Tripp during the presidential impeachment saga. Missouri Democrats charge that this is improper. So does one donor.
Newspaper Story - Abortion is viewed differently in different cultures, religions and parts of the world.
Radio Story - Bill Lewin, chairman for the Missouri Reform Party, has been in contact with Pat Buchanan's representatives. Lewin says that he is letting Buchanan's people know that Missouri Reform Party voters support Buchanan.
Newspaper Story - Former U.S. Attorney and current top prosecutor in John Danforth's Waco probe is cleared in Justice Department inquiry into his actions against Missouri's concealed weapon's inquiry.
Newspaper Story - A federal judge blocks the new abortion restriction law for at least six months.
Radio Story - A federal judge blocks implementation of Missouri's anti-abortion law until early next year, at the earliest.
Newspaper Story - Bill Lewin, Chairman of the Missouri Reform Party, is encouraging Pat Buchanan to abandon the GOP and run as a third-party candidate in the 2000 presidential election.
Radio Story - Gubenatorial candidate Jim Talent says that personal questions concerning a candidate's ability to perform in office are appropriate. Talent says that he has never used drugs and that he will not answer questions during his campaign that do not deal with public policy.
Radio Story - The Missouri Right to Life, an anti-abortion group, supports candidates based on voting records. In the past, abortion-rights advocates have been subject to negative campaigning.
Radio Story - GOP legislators say Senator J.B. "Jet" Banks should step down from office after pleading guilty to filing a false tax return. Banks' guilty plea is drawing criticism from some Republican lawmakers. Banks declined to comment on the calls for resignation.
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers overturn the governor's veto.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate voted to override Gov. Carnahan's veto on a partial birth abortion ban Thursday, and abortion-rights advocates vow they will fight the new law in court.
Radio Story - Opponents, led by Ken Jacob of Columbia, squared off with supporters, led by Ted House of St. Charles, over a possible override of the governor's veto of the partial-birth abortion bill.
Radio Story - Columbia lawmakers say Wednesday's House vote to ban partial birth abortion sets the city apart from others. Governor Carnahan says some representatives were hesitant to vote to sustain his veto of the partial-birth abortion bill for fear of political suicide. But Columbia lawmakers seems immune to that pressure.
Newspaper Story - The man who once held the highest position for a black man Missouri's legislature plead guilty to a class D felony. If he is sentenced, he will be forced out of office.
Newspaper Story - Thousands gathered to support legislators in their bid to override Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto on partial-birth abortion.
Radio Story - Representative Bill Luetkenhaus says that he will bring a motion to end debate and vote on whether or not to overturn Carnahan's veto of the partial-birth abortion bill.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House voted 127-34 to override Gov. Mel Carnahan's veto and ban partial birth abortion.
Radio Story - The House overwhelmingly voted to override the governor's veto on the partial-birth abortion bill.
Newspaper Story - Despite being overriden in the Senate, Gov Mel Carnahan's veto on the criminal bill was met with silence in the House
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Term Limits will look into whether term limits shift the balance of power towards the governor.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Bill Luetkenhaus, D-Josephville, accused Gov. Carnahan and his allies of promoting a fear of violence about the partial-birth abortion bill.
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan met with top lawmakers to discuss a possible delay of the abortion bill veto session. This delay would give the bill's opponents time to campaign. Proponents say a delay is unconstitutional.
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan met with top lawmakers to discuss options he can take for the veto session. One option would delay floor discussions. The bill's supporters say a delay is undemocratic.
Newspaper Story - An expert on term limits told a panel of lawmakers that the limits will shift the balance of power toward the governor.
Radio Story - With a crowd of close to 5000 expected at the capital, security forces have been increased in case of possible violence.
Newspaper Story - The governor and legislative leaders are discussing a possible special session on a partial-birth abortion ban.
9/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Senate sponsor of the partial-birth abortion bill Ted House and Catholic lobbyist Lou DeFeo say the governor is wrong in saying the bill can be used as a legal defense for violence against an abortion doctor.
9/ 8/1999:
Radio Story - Governor Mel Carnahan faces off against the Missouri Catholic Conference on his veto against a partial-birth abortion bill. Anti-abortion lobbyist Lou DeFeo represented the MO Catholic Conference.
9/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - The governor debates the Catholic Conference lobbyist over vetoed abortion legislation.
9/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - The format for the Carnahan/Abortion-Rights opponents discussion has been altered. Instead of a one-on-one discussion between Carnahan and the head of the Missouri Catholic Conference, Lou DeFeo, the talk will now include experts from both sides of the partial-birth abortion issue.
9/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's governor and the executive director of Missouri's Catholic Conference hold their historic debate over abortion in Jefferson City.
9/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - In an unprecedented move, Governor Mel Carnahan has agreed to discuss his Partial Birth Abortion Veto with officials form the Missouri Catholic Conference.
9/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - The governor's proposed debate on his veto of the abortion-restriction bill is generating its own debate from GOP lawmakers.
Radio Story - The leading GOP candidate for governor is comming under attack for his $1 billion proposed bond issue for highways.
Radio Story - Some Republicans say Democrats are trading the possibility for a pay raise for support of Carnahan's veto of the so-called partial-birth abortion bill.
Radio Story - A burst water line flooded the Capitol basement with up to 10 inches of water.
Newspaper Story - Agreement is reached on a tax bill that both the governor's office and a key GOP leader endorse.
Newspaper Story - On the wave of his contribution to the legislative session's two biggest issues, Senator Ken Jacob ascends to the level of major player in the Missouri Senate.
Newspaper Story - The governor threatens to veto the legislative pension bill and attacks lawmakers.
Radio Story - The governor says he will veto a pension increase for state employees, including lawmakers. Democratic lawmakers were especially surprised by the governor's announcement because they overwhelmingly supported the increase.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers sent bills to the Governor to raise retirement benefits, ban some types of abortions, and delay tax relief
Newspaper Story - Major tax cuts may be in jeopardy -due to disagreement in the Senate. Also, House delays crime bill - after loading it with amendments
5/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - The recent filibuster brought back memories of a Capitol legend - Bill Blackwell
5/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - A wrap-up of Wednesday's legislative action.
Newspaper Story - Intitiative petitions on conservation issues would be tougher to pass under a bill approved by the House on Thursday.
Newspaper Story - While not apologizing for the commutation decision, the governor expressed his disappointment with how the decision had been communicated to relatives of Darrell Mease's victims. "That was due to human error and completely unintentional," Carnahan said.
Newspaper Story - Republican leaders criticized "inappropriate plane use" at Thursday press conference
Newspaper Story - At times the atmosphere inside Missouri's Capitol Tuesday seemed more like that of Faurot Field than of a place of government business.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Wayne Crump's bill to restrict federal land purchases passes the House.
Radio Story - St. Louis county Senator Franc Flotron called for a meeting between Mayor Conrad Bowers of Bridgeton and Mayor Clarence Harmon of St. Louis to discuss Lambert Airport expansion plans.
Radio Story - The legislature will consider asking voters to decide whether term limits should continue.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Sam Gaskill, R-Washburn, has proposal a bill to allow "physical force" in preventing flag desecration
Newspaper Story - Missouri's six statewide officeholders may soon go another mile down the information superhighway if the House approves legislation that passed the House Elections Committee on Monday.
4/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Quincy Troupe, D-St. Louis, has been an outspoken champion of issues that many of his colleagues have swept under the rug.
4/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - A joint resolution passed the House Elections Committee that would repeal voter-approved term limits.
4/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - A measure that would give voters a chance to repeal term limits is based on voters' confusion.
4/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers say Proposition B's defeat will not improve changes for gun-control legislation.
4/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - With the failing of Proposition B, lawmakers express conflicting views about the chances of passing stricter gun control laws.
4/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - The NRA loses its massive campaign to win the right to carry concealed weapons in the state of Missouri.
4/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - The Secretary of State says 1 in 4 is a high proportion for an April election.
4/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Missourians decide whether cell-phone users will pay an extra fifty cents per month for better 911 emergency service.
4/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Any handgun, defined as having a barrel under 16 inches, could be concealed and carried under proposition B. This includes semiautomatic weapons such as the uzi pistol.
Newspaper Story - After it was learned that the U.S. Attorney's office, in Missouri, was using its business line to direct efforts against the concealed weapons ammendment to be voted on in Missouri on April 5th
Newspaper Story - Urban Democratic legislators met to denounce the NRA's heavy spending in the Proposition B campaign.
Newspaper Story - Senator Kit Bond sent a letter to US Attorney General Janet REno requesting an investigation into Missouri's US Attorneys' use of federal funds to campaign against Prop B.
Radio Story - Eight Missouri legislators met at the Police Chief's Association in order to express concern regarding the financing of the pro-Propisiton B campaign
Newspaper Story - Out-of-state funds dominate campaign contributions for the concealed weapons ballot issue.
Radio Story - Missourians Against Crime raised more than 2 million dollars; Safe Schools and Workplaces came up with $750,000.
Newspaper Story - Missourians will decide on the April 6 ballot whether to compel cell-phone users to pay extra for 911 emergency services.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US Attorneys have used taxpayer money to campaign against prop B. Justice Department declines detailed comment.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two US attorneys are using Department of Justice facilities to lobby against Proposition B, the concealed weapons proposal.
Radio Story - House Majority Leader Wayne Crump proposes doing away with funding for the governor's security force to send the governor a message about the right to carry concealed weapons.
Newspaper Story - Rep. Gracia Backer announced her bid for lieutenant governor
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers may pick apples this session - as the state's official fruit.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers are trying to bring the total number of specialized license plates up to 77.
Newspaper Story - The statehouse cafeteria -known as the Hawthorn Room - has been closed because of health risks.
Radio Story - The proposed 1-W1 runway expansion at Lambert Field was viewed by a house committee in terms of its zoning
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - Broadcast legend Walter Cronkite talked with journalists at Missouri's state Capitol on Tuesday.
3/ 9/1999:
Newspaper Story - The House sponsor of collective bargaining for government workers conceeds his bill is dead.
3/ 9/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri House defeats a plan to give more power to unions representing government workers.
3/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - Walter Cronkite, the distinguished CBS newsman, was inducted into the "Hall of Famous Missourians" on Monday evening.
3/ 5/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's secretary of state announces she won't run for relection, the House speaker promptly announces his candidacy.
3/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - In the face of approaching term limits, the Senae approved a plan Wednesday that would fatten lawmakers' retirement funds.
3/ 3/1999:
Radio Story - Several female legislative interns say Monica Lewinsky gave interns a bad reputation.
3/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Ballots for the April election are usually printed by this time. A court battle over the wording of the concealed weapons proposition leaves county clerks and voters hanging in the balance.
3/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - Representative Matt Blunt of Southwest Missouri says he might run for Secretary of State.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Lieutenant Governor, Roger Wilson, announced on Monday that he will not seek re-election as the state's lieutenant governor. Wilson cited excessive government and the overall negative effects of campaigning as his reasons.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Legislation to register child-care workers ran into GOP resistance in Missouri's House.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor Roger Wilson announced he will not seek reelection.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Roger Wilson says he is getting out of politics.
3/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - Sen. Joe Maxwell announced his candidancy for democratic nominee.
3/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Union attempts to lower the cost estimate for bear little fruit.
Newspaper Story - Ken Rothman, Missouri's Lieutenant Governor from 1980-1984 and former speaker of the Missouri House has confirmed that he will file a law suit through several undisclosed legislators to seek the repealing of term limits.
Radio Story - Rep. Mary Hagan-Harrell introduced legislation that would increase monthly retirement benefits for lawmakers while reducing the eligibility requirements.
Newspaper Story - The House Criminal Law Cimmittee approved Thursday a ban on partial-birth abortion similar to what the governor vetoed two years ago.
Newspaper Story - 29 year senate veteran, John Schneider, has presented a joint senate resolution that would repeal term limits and would then place term limits on the positions of speaker of the house and senate pro tem.
Newspaper Story - Partisan bickering Tuesday blocked a Senate Democratic leadership plan to advance the governor's nearly $200-million tax-cut package. The Senate's Fat Tuesday debate on how to trim the fat lasted well into the evening for the first time this year.
Newspaper Story - Brief spat over hearing incident embarrasses state GOP spokesman
Newspaper Story - House leaders want to change the referendum procedure as it realtes to conservation issues to a 2/3 majority rather than a simple one.
2/ 8/1999:
Radio Story - At least one state lawmaker expressed disapproval of flying American flags at half-staff in honor of Jordan's late King Hussein.
2/ 8/1999:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Brian May, D-St. Louis, has presented legislation that would clarify current bribery statutes and would redefine the term public servant, thus making it illegal for all public officials, paid or not, to be subject to state bribery laws.
2/ 3/1999:
Newspaper Story - The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out Planned Parenthood's lawsuit to receive a portion of state family planning funds.
2/ 2/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's two major teachers unions split over collective bargaining
2/ 2/1999:
Radio Story - One of the state's main teacher organizations urges lawmakers to reject collective bargaining rights for government workers.
2/ 1/1999:
Radio Story - The Governor says it was the personal request from the Pope which prompted him to take Mease off death row.
2/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - Columbia Representative, Chuck Graham, has proposed legislation that would repeal the presidential primary in the state of Missouri. The primary, in its current state, is a waste of money and accomplishes nothing, according to Graham.
2/ 1/1999:
Newspaper Story - In his first appearance in front of Missouri statehouse reporters, Gov. Mel Carnahan explained his reasons for commuting the death sentence of Darrell Mease, a convicted murder of three.
Radio Story - By not rejecting a proposal by the state Salary Commission, the Legislature has approved the new pay scale by default.
Newspaper Story - Missouri judges will get a pay increase of 11 percent on average, but lawmakers won't receive a similar salary hike thanks to legislative inaction Thursday.
Radio Story - Sen. Harry Wiggins presented his bill to the Senate today that woudl give Missouri drivers the option of having specialty license plates that say "Respect Life".
Radio Story - The pope's visit closed some state agencies located in the downtown St. Louis area on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Radio Story - The circuit court has handed Missouri's Secretary of State power to write the ballot description for the concealed weapons proposal -- throwing out the leigslative description.
Newspaper Story - In his State of the State address, Gov. Carnahan outlined three areas for tax cuts.
Newspaper Story - Education, Health Care, Crime reduction, and Tobacco lead focus; demures on tobacco.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators comment on Gov. Carnahan's state of the state address.
Radio Story - Governor Mel Carnahan to propose broadbase tax cuts for Missourians.
Newspaper Story - Democratic Senate leaders said they wanted a tax cut that would benefit all tax payers. Republicans said the cuts should be deeper and should also include cuts for businesses.
Newspaper Story - The Democrat's font-runner for governor in 2000 found himself under partisan attack Tuesday for announcing extension of a farm-loan program. The conference was Holden's first in the statehouse in more than a year.
Newspaper Story - From contraception to tax cuts, there is a wide range of issues presented by women legislators at rally Thursday.
Newspaper Story - The dark TV sets and silent radios in state offices offered no clue that the U.S. Senate was trying a president for only the second time in history.
Newspaper Story - Columbia Senator Ken Jacob was named chairman of the Senate Insurance Committee.
Newspaper Story - House Democrats backed off a plan to strip Republicans of the right to name their own members to committees.
1/ 6/1999:
Newspaper Story - Partisan bickering over tax cuts dominating the opening day of Missouri's 1999 legislative session.
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