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2009 Politics & Elections Stories
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon proposed four ideas he said are necessary for ethics reform in Missouri
Radio Story - Republican House Leader Steve Tilley proposes house bill that would stop lobbyists wining and dining politicians.
Newspaper Story - The state House majority floor leader proposed a significant ethics overhaul Tuesday.
Radio Story - Politicians found lying to the state ethics commission would face felony charges under a bill filed by two state lawmakers.
Newspaper Story - An ethics bill targeting the transfer of money, obstruction was filed by a House Republican and a House Democrat
Radio Story - The Missouri Roundtable for Life filed litigation against MO Secretary of State and State Auditor
Radio Story - Some Missouri Republicans are supporting a bill that would opt the state out of national health care reform plans.
12/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - Rod Jetton will close his political consulting firm and leave politics
12/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate Appropriation Committee listen to public testimonies while keeping the State's current economy in mind.
12/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - One Missouri state representative wants to give voters the chance to block the national health care legislation.
12/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Despite Missouri's worst budget crisis in years, two rooms full of people lined up to ask for more government money Monday.
12/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Former Missouri House Speaker Rod Jetton has been charged with felony assault.
12/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - A look at a few pre-filed bills for the next legislative session.
12/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - A Missouri insurance lobbyist and Senator do not agree with the bill that would mandate health care coverage for autism spectrum disorders.
12/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri Clean Water campaign says Koster should return money that he received from Smithfield foods
12/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri has received a federal grant to map out where current broadband lines exist
12/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - Representative Cynthia Davis filled a resolution allowing Missourians to vote on the federal health care bill
12/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Chris Kelly will no longer be the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee.
12/ 1/2009:
Newspaper Story - Two of the state legislature's top leaders unveiled plans Tuesday to tighten ethics rules in the Capitol.
12/ 1/2009:
Newspaper Story - Senator Kurt Schaefer of Columbia was appointed Tuesday as the vice-chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
12/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - Two text messaging while driving bills will come before the Missouri House of Representatives again this year.
Radio Story - The Federal Government awarded Missouri $1.2 million to prepare for green jobs; which the Department of Economic Development says is indicative of Missouri's economy beginning to recover.
Newspaper Story - Former State Rep. Judy Baker, D-Columbia, has been selected to be regional director of Health and Human Services.
Radio Story - Nixon once again caps tuition.
Newspaper Story - In one of his first public appearances since being suspended, Natural Resources Director Mark Templeton testified before the Joint Committee on Missouri's Energy Future.
Radio Story - A judge has denied Missouri's state auditor the right to audit the state's retirement system for local government workers.
Radio Story - The recent ethical issues within the Missouri House of Representatives has sparked opinions from members of the Missouri House of Representatives.
11/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - The health care bill, which was approved with a 220-215 vote, had Missouri representatives split on partisan lines except for Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., who voted against the bill.
11/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - The Natural Resources Department could learn valuable lessons from other Missouri lakes in keeping the Lake of the Ozarks clean
11/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - Solving problems with septic systems at the Lake of the Ozarks will not be simple.
11/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - This fiscal year has seen nearly an 11 percent drop in general revenue.
11/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri will begin requiring yoga studios to pay a state sales tax on fitness facilities.
Newspaper Story - Septic systems are failing at the Lake of the Ozarks, where sewage is draining into the water.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon appointed David Kerr as the state's new Director of Economic Development Thursday.
Radio Story - Missouri Republican party reacts to Nixon's appointment of Kansan David Kerr as the new Economic Development Director
Radio Story - Members of health care organizations are hesitant to predict how budget cuts will effect them
Radio Story - Bi-partisan criticism of Nixon's budget cuts say the witholdings are not deep enough.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon announced $204 million in new budget cuts which will eliminate almost 700 jobs.
Radio Story - Robin Carnahan spoke to Mizzou students last night about civil unions
Radio Story - Former superintendents around Missouri and a mother spoke both against and for open enrollment.
Radio Story - At an event to celebrate a renewable energy project near Jefferson City on Monday, Gov. Nixon did little talking about renewable energy.
Newspaper Story - Mark Templeton will be reinstated as DNR director next week, Gov. Jay Nixon announced Friday.
Radio Story - Governor Nixon is taking responsibility for miscommunication between his office and the
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon blames a former DNR deputy director for withholding vital E. coli infomation
Radio Story - State representataives have started discussing the possibility of a new committee that would provide oversight over a controversial government agency.
Newspaper Story - A combination of factors allows sewage to continue flowing from septic tanks into the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - A tangled web of bureaucracy keeps septic tanks flowing into the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - City efforts to stop meth production face attacks from the ACLU
Radio Story - Senator Brad Lager, leader of the investigation of E. coli at the Lake of the Ozarks, said he is sure there is a coverup underway.
Newspaper Story - A DNR spokesman said the department's investigation into false E. coli information will conclude Friday
10/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - The governor's office is refusing to comment on Missouri GOP's statement that three of Nixon's top staffers should be permanently dismissed for withholding information about E. Coli in the Lake of the Ozarks.
10/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - In response to ongoing controversy surrounding E. coli levels at the Lake of the Ozarks, officials say there was a cover up within the Department of Natural Resources
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon has suspended the Department of Natural Resources director and has ordered an investigation into the department.
Radio Story - In a news conference Wednesday, Gov. Jay Nixon blamed the Department of Natural Resources for not closing Ozark beaches, thus endangering Missourians.
Radio Story - Talibdin El-Amin accepts responsibility
Radio Story - The state Transportation Department has given bonuses to more than 1,000 employees, the only state agency to give bonuses at all.
Radio Story - Yet another St. Louis democrat is added to the list of a half dozen elected officials who facing federal charges over the past year.
Radio Story - Missouri Senator Chuck Purgason is tired of being ignored by Congressman Blunt.
Radio Story - After Thursday's guilty plea by Representative T.D. El-Amin, some suspect there is a larger underlying issue to recent investigations
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon announced Wednesday plans to clean up the Lake of the Ozarks.
Newspaper Story - State legislators were unable to override any of Gov. Nixon's vetoes Wednesday
Radio Story - The Senate's top leader defends using lobbyist funds for Senate expenses.
Radio Story - State Auditor finds legislative slush funds fueled by lobbyists.
Newspaper Story - Legislative leaders expect Gov. Nixon's vetos to be sustained Wednesday
Newspaper Story - Emotional testimonies were given during a session of the Interim Committee on Autism Spectrum Disorders
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives held an interim committee session for public testimony regarding the insurance coverage of Autism.
Newspaper Story - Embattled former state lawmaker forced to turn in law license
Newspaper Story - The Economic Development director is the first of Gov. Jay Nixon's cabinet to resign.
Radio Story - Missouri's economic development director, Linda Martinez, resigned Monday after a rocky eight months on the job.
Newspaper Story - For several years, Missouri lawmakers were getting funds from unnamed lobbyists to finance staff gifts and overtime pay, according to an audit released Monday by the State Auditor
Radio Story - The state auditor says Missouri's House and Senate have used lobbyist money to buy gifts and meals for members.
Newspaper Story - Cyclist Mark Cavendish withdrew from the Tour of Missouri Thursday as J.J. Haedo won the fourth stage and possession of the yellow jersey.
9/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri's top education officials remain silent on President Obama's speech.
9/ 3/2009:
Radio Story - Agriculture in Missouri is making a difference in Afghanistan now that a group of soldiers will be deployed.
9/ 3/2009:
Newspaper Story - Sixty National Guard troops will be deployed to Afghanistan.
Radio Story - Sen. Claire McCaskill faced tough questions and emotional audience at a health care focused town hall meeting in Jefferson City.
Radio Story - With session wrapping up at the Missouri Capitol, some legislators are saying term limits are behind some of the problems that arose this year.
Newspaper Story - A look at the effect of term limits on the legislative process.
Newspaper Story - Six fiscally conservative Senators have directed the path of spending bills in the Missouri Legislature this year
Radio Story - Six fiscally conservative senators found their voice this session saying enough with expanding the state budget
Newspaper Story - Disagreement over caps on tax credit programs delays passage of economic development bill and prevents health care legislation.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passes abortion legislation stripped of coercion language.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate held a late night debate on abortion and passed a bill that would place stricter limitations on abortions.
Radio Story - The House adjourned early Thursday, with only 24 hours left in the legislative session.
Newspaper Story - Legislative wrap for Thursday, May 14, 2009
Radio Story - The House recessed early, leaving the fate of the economic development bill and health care legislation in limbo.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators say bipartisan cooperation led to financial gain for the city
Radio Story - House Majority Floor Leader asked Governor Nixon for a request today: to commute the death sentence of a convicted killer in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Wrap up of Tuesday of legislative session
Newspaper Story - Concealed-carry bill stalls in Senate committee
Radio Story - With only four days left in legislative session, a Senate committee canceled a vote on a measure that would allow college students to carry loaded firearms.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri's first openly gay Senator had a historic day this past weekend in Iowa.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Cigarette house fires cause about 800 deaths a year, and a House bill aimed at decreasing that number has reached the governor's desk.
5/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - House Republicans reject health care bill, accuse Nixon of bribery
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - As the constitutional deadline for finishing the state budget is merely two days away, the House is making progress, but not without some roadblocks.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - House Republicans shot down a bill Wednesday that would put 35,000 Missourians back on Medicare, saying it was welfare.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - A House Republican accused Gov. Jay Nixon's office of a major crime: bribing in return for a vote on an important bill that would put thousands of Missourians back on Medicaid.
5/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House approved a proposal that would change the Missouri Constitution pending voter approval
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill Tuesday that would change property assessors in easter counties from appointed to elected.
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's first openly gay senator wed this weekend
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - The budget czar for Missouri's governor has a diverse background
5/ 4/2009:
Radio Story - More than a year in advance, House Democrats may hold early leadership elections.
Newspaper Story - Without debate, Missouri's House restores $31 million for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center
Newspaper Story - Columbia projects one step closer to millions in funding
Radio Story - One Senator led a day long debate that delayed voting on a proposed constitutional amendment.
Radio Story - The Missouri House perfected a bill that restores funding for Columbia's Ellis Fischel Cancer Center.
Radio Story - Sometimes it's the Grinch that steals Christmas, but in Missouri on Tuesday, it was the politicians.
Newspaper Story - Federal funding for Ellis Fischel at stake after House dispute
Radio Story - Democrats on the House Rules Committee walked out of a vote to decide how to spend more than $1 billion in federal stimulus money.
Radio Story - One Southwest Missouri Senator is already in the running to take Congressman Roy Blunt's seat, while a Joplin Senator said he is interestested, but has yet to officially announce his candidacy.
Radio Story - Missouri House Republican leadership says they will now issue tax reductions to Missourians rather than handing out bailout money.
Newspaper Story - Missouri Republicans are proposing a $1 billion tax rebate with stimulus dollars
Radio Story - The senior most member of the House of Representatives called Gov. Nixon's $100 million jobs training program a mystery.
Radio Story - Republican representatives caucused to discuss big budget issues but details remain slim about the specific issues.
Radio Story - The vice president has a message for the show-me state: Show me renewable energies, and I'll show you the future.
Newspaper Story - Lone Democrat at event booed off stage
Radio Story - Small business employees could see smaller pay checks because of a bill exempting some businesses from the minimum wage requirement
Radio Story - What would income tax day and a tea party have in common? The answer is angry Conservatives.
Newspaper Story - Nixon says state's incentive packages have been rejected because the Senate hasn't passed the jobs bill.
Radio Story - Despite a disappointing loss, Missouri Senators welcomed Mizzou's basketball team onto the floor after a surprise visit.
Radio Story - The Mizzou basketball team made a surprising visit to Missouri's Senators in the chamber this week.
4/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Just hours after an all-night filibuster turned despicably ugly, two Missouri senators continued to slam each other as soon as the next day's session began.
4/ 9/2009:
Newspaper Story - After a night spent debating an economic development bill, Missouri Senate erupted in a personal argument between two Senators
4/ 8/2009:
Radio Story - Two Democratic Representatives are trying to do something that hasn't happened in more than 60 years through a state constitutional amendment.
4/ 8/2009:
Newspaper Story - House committee passes bill to use federal stimulus money for fiscal year 2009
4/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - Constitutional amendment that would change the way state selects Supreme Court and Appeals judges gained initial support in the Missouri House
4/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Bill passed the house which would require special elections to fill statewide office vacancies
4/ 1/2009:
Radio Story - While Missourians are asking for more jobs, Senate dispute could kill a bill aimed at job creation.
Newspaper Story - The FBI is investigating Missouri lawmakers, according to anonymous sources cited by two news articles.
Radio Story - A Senate Joint Resolution would put nearly 5,000 Missouri sexual offenders back on the sex offender registry.
Radio Story - An emergency House Democratic caucus meeting was held after legislative fingers were pointed at the House Democratic Leader who they say is under an FBI investigation.
Radio Story - House Democrats blame the Senate's failure to move on an economic development bill on House Republicans.
Radio Story - Despite Governor Jay Nixon's opposition to anti-abortion legislation, the House passed such a bill to the Senate with over two thirds majority.
Radio Story - House Budget Committee Republicans and Democrats clashed over state budget cuts in a day-long marathon meeting.
Newspaper Story - House committee passes fiscal year 2010 budget bills
Newspaper Story - Gov. Nixon makes his pick for one of three vacant UM System Board of Curators' seats
3/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to take control of federal highway dollars away from the Transportation Department, against the objections of MoDOT's director.
3/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Top Priorities for lawmakers from southwest Missouri
Newspaper Story - Last time, so many supporters came to testify for a bill mandating autism coverage that the Senate Small Business Committee had to reschedule a hearing for the bill's opposition. On Tuesday, they got their chance.
Radio Story - Missouri's unemployment rate is the highest it has been in 25 years. But new measures in the legislature would produce benefits for local small businesses.
Newspaper Story - U.S. Representative Roy Blunt declared his candidacy for the U.S. Senate
Radio Story - U.S. Congressman Roy Blunt throws announced he will run for the Senate seat vacated by Kit Bond and vowed to use that seat to block liberal legislation.
Newspaper Story - Democratic Governor Jay Nixon asked Missouri's Senate to put a halt to their discussion about tax credit reform in order to push forward his economic development bill
Radio Story - Unlike some governors, Jay Nixon is ready to spend every dollar of federal stimulus money in Missouri.
Newspaper Story - Nixon promises aggressive use of federal stimulus money
Newspaper Story - Despite four recent cell-phone-related traffic fatalities in Missouri, several state representatives said a bill restricting handheld cell phone usage while driving will likely not be passed into law this session.
Newspaper Story - State senators question federal stimulus stipulations over health care, education
Radio Story - Strings attached to Missouri's $4.4 billion cut of the federal stimulus package led some Republican senators to question the long-term effects of the money.
Radio Story - The Senate Appropriations committee debated a new disbursement plan for Missouri state tax credits.
Radio Story - Since she wasn't given a concrete reason why, a House Democrat comes up with her own, more controversial explanation as to why she wasn't reappointed to the children and families committee.
Radio Story - After weeks of deliberation, the senate voted to confirm Linda Martinez as head of Director of the Department of Economic Development
Newspaper Story - After weeks of debate about her stance on illegal immigration, Martinez was officially named development director in a voice vote
Newspaper Story - An openly gay state representative said she heard committee members found her offensive
2/ 9/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri's treasurer says when times get tough, it's time to get conservative with the state's investments.
2/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri senators postponed a vote on Department of Economic Development nominee Linda Martinez
2/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - The bill would remove the annual cap on the Quality Jobs Act, which is currently set at $6 million
2/ 4/2009:
Radio Story - A St. Louis Democrat accuses a neighboring Republican of being sexist on the Senate floor Wednesday.
2/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - The state has requested two-hundred 60 million dollars from the federal government to continue payments to unemployed Missourians.
2/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Extended debate killed a resolution that would have allowed laptops onto the Senate floor.
2/ 2/2009:
Radio Story - A two hour filibuster kills an effort for a technological advance in Missouri's State Senate.
2/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - Senator's bill would complete capital improvement projects and reduce tuition
Newspaper Story - The Senate Select Committee met Wednesday to discuss how a proposed federal stimulus package could best be utilized
Radio Story - Gov. Nixon's campaign promises leave one senator unimpressed with State of State address
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder attacks Governor Jay Nixon for banking on funds for the Missouri Budget that don't yet exist in the Republican response to Nixon's first ever State of the State address.
Newspaper Story - Nixon's proposed budget to rely on $800 million from federal stimulus package
Radio Story - Missouri's Governor wants to cut more than 1300 governmental jobs by July 1.
Radio Story - The Governor addressed a federal stimulus package in a single sentence at his State of the State address.
Radio Story - Witnesses at a House bill hearing made it clear they want to expand their businesses.
Radio Story - Representatives from Missouri's funeral industry urged Senators to increase regulation in order to ensure legitimate pre-need contracts.
Newspaper Story - State legislative leaders await balanced budget, bipartisanship cooperation in Nixon's State of the State address
Radio Story - Missouri's House firmly voted down a pay raise for elected officials.
Newspaper Story - Nixon vows against 2010 higher education budget cuts
Radio Story - Speakers for a Senate Transportation Seminar says Missouri's system which keeps the poor poor will not vanish anytime soon.
Radio Story - A bill is proposed in the Missouri House which may put the magnifying glass on minorities more often when drafting legislation.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Jay Nixon on Wednesday announced a plan to revamp how local motor vehicle and driver license offices are awarded in the state, claiming,
Newspaper Story - At Gov. Jay Nixon's first press conference aimed at highlighting the first official efforts of the Show Me Jobs initiative, his staff tried to seize the cell phones of the press, initially saying it was a security matter.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's new governor promises a "new day" in his inaugural address
Newspaper Story - The pomp and circumstance of the inauguration of Jay Nixon as governor gave Missourians a chance to meet their new governor and first lady.
1/ 8/2009:
Newspaper Story - Sen. Kit Bond will not seek reelection, says 40 years in politics is enough
1/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - State legislature opens with higher education reform, emphasis on economic development
1/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - House leaders anticipate bipartisanship in upcoming session
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